New Knights & Beasts of Chaos Lineup & Pricing

By Tim Roberts | September 17th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

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Don’t miss the full rundown and prices for the new Imperial Knights and Beast of Chaos releases this week from Games Workshop.

Exciting times for both Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar players as Beasts of Chaos finally get their own rules, and Knight players get their Preceptor class from June’s codex release.

Decide what you want to spend your hobby bucks on now so you can beat the crowd!

Knight Preceptor Canis Rex $157

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canis rex

Canis Rex and his trusty pilot Sir Hektur will be hitting the shelves. We started seeing his previews well before the Knight codex. He’ll be getting the Mentor rule letting Armigers reroll 1’s around him. We may stop seeing Castellans and more Armigers/Canis on the table.

canis rex

Battletome: Beasts of Chaos $40

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beasts of chaos

You’ll be able to customise your army more than ever before thanks to a huge host of new rules – from unique Command Traits for the Brayherds, Warherds and Thunderscorn, to magical spells and extra abilities for dedicating your army to one of the Greatfrays. Summoning rules, meanwhile, allow you to sacrifice your troops and call anything from skirmishing Ungor to rampaging Chimeras from the warping wilds.

This is the battletome you’ve been waiting for, packed with changes great and small – from the addition of the various types of Tzaangor to the Brayherds, to a host of warscroll changes designed to make your army more fun and powerful to play. We’ll be previewing the new book in detail next week with the help of Beasts of Chaos superfan and Warhammer Community writer Rhu, so keep an eye out!


Beasts of Chaos Herdstone $30

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The Herdstone is a must-have for all Beasts of Chaos players. This new terrain kit brings to life an iconic piece of lore and provides a range of powerful in-game benefits to your army, projecting an ever-expanding, armour-melting wave of entropy and being key to summoning new units. Best of all? It doesn’t cost a single matched play point, meaning there’s no reason not to grab one.

Endless Spells $35

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Beastmen will be getting their own unique Endless Spells too. Breakthrough solid lines and crush morale with these faction-specific incantations.

Warscroll Cards $20

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This pack of 29 large-format cards contains each of the unit Warscrolls from Battletome: Beasts of Chaos, printed on individual cards for handy reference in your battles, along with 2 sheets of gaming tokens. These tokens cover Command Points, Mystic Shield, Primordial Call Battle Traits and the 14 unique spells available to Beasts of Chaos wizards.

Beastmen Dice Set $20

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Set of 20 6-sided 16mm dice, coloured to brown with bone markings to represent the Beasts of Chaos.

Each features an Beasts of Chaos icon in place of the 6 and a skull in place of the 1.

Start Collecting: Beasts of Chaos $85

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If you’re looking to get a head-start with the new Beasts of Chaos army, the new Start Collecting! set is the perfect way to do it. With Battleline units, a general, some ranged troops and a monster, this box is ideal for new players or those looking to save some money when reinforcing their army.
There are also some old models getting the spotlight. You’ll be able to get your hands on these relics and you can look forward to them being updated in their Battletome.

Warherd Bullgors $47 (re-release)

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bull gors

Warhounds of Chaos $24.75 (re-release)

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Brayherd Gors $24.75 (re-release)

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Exciting times are ahead for players in 40k and AoS, as GW really worked fast to pump out new models and an updated book for a dusty old faction in AoS.

Don’t lose hope if you play an older army, as Games Workshop can just as easily give them a book too! What do you think about the new releases?

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