New Kraken Transport Walking Tank From Kromlech!

Kraken Transport Walking Tank featureThe Desert Raiders from Kromlech make great Imperial Guard Tallarn alternatives, and the Kraken Transport Walking Tank is on point for them!

Kromlech is always putting out some of the most excellent alternative minis and bits on the market! They are worth looking into if you haven’t checked them out before. This time, we’ll focus on their latest release, letting you go old school with a classic IG regiment! 

They have a ton of other bits that are perfect for 40k, so even if these aren’t up your alley, they probably have something else you would love. For now, though, let’s get into the new tank! 

Kraken Transport Walking Tank: $54.10

Kraken Transport Walking TankIt’s not a Chimera, but here are the specs on this:

Kraken Transport Walking Tank is a mobile and durable troop carrier of Imperial Guardsmen. Open up a back hatch to reveal a detailed interior of the vehicle. The Kraken is armed with passenger-operated weaponry on both sides of the hull. Includes weapon options for the turret (Heavy Laser Gun, Heavy Thunder Gun, Heavy Flamethrower, and additional turret-mounted Machine Gun), as well as hull-mounted add-ons (weaponry – Heavy Thunder Gun and Heavy Flamethrower – and swappable panels at both sides – clean, with shovels, and with extra containers).

Kraken Transport Walking Tank 2

Creations of infamous Desert Raiders – sturdy, battle-hardened soldiers of the Imperial Guard that serve on a planet completely covered in sand – Walking Tanks are indeed something very suitable for any desert-kind of environment. Although – thanks to spider-like legs – the sizes of these tanks can be enormous, their hulls match the standard dimensions of tanks used by the Imperial Guard.

Kraken Transport Walking Tank 3

The product design fits 28 mm scale wargames. This set is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Cast from the highest quality resin. Our products are intended for experienced modelers and may require trimming, bending, and fitting. We recommend washing all resin parts before assembly (tap water with mild detergent) and using Kromlech Superglue or other cyanoacrylate adhesives. For more details, check the guide to handling resin in the Attachments tab.

Kraken Transport Walking Tank 4If you love what Kromlech is up to, check out everything else they have also been releasing here! That does it for this one; now go get some excellent bits!

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