New Leagues of Votann Army Box Is GONE!

ebay-sold-out-leagues-of-votann-army-box-setThe Leagues of Votann 40k Army box sold extremely fast, making the return of squats look triumphant after all this time!

This isn’t really anything too unexpected; however, seeing it happen is a good sign for Warhammer 40k and the faction moving forward. We’ve seen some other newer factions get off to a really slow start (and, in the case of GSC, stay at the bottom of popularity for a long time), so if you do like the Leagues, this result means we’ll probably see a lot more for them in the future.

We don’t know exactly how fast every other region went, but it didn’t last long here. Some people did mention in comments online if doing an MTO is worth it. However, that, in a way, defeats the idea of getting the codex early, as it would take months and months to get it, and by then, you most likely would have already bought the codex, and models, etc.

Leagues of Votann Army Box Sells Out Fast

Leagues of Votann Army Set

One thing that may have helped with the quick sale was the price. It went for $200, which actually gave you a decent amount of value inside (which you can check out here). Plus, there is a ton of intrinsic value, as you get the codex and minis before people who didn’t hop on the box. Here in the States, the box didn’t even make it through a single day of sales, and considering the majority of the big box releases lately haven’t been flying off the shelves, it may just show how much people were into this new faction!

It’s always cool to see a new faction come into the game, and maybe this doing well will actually prompt GW to add more. We think at this point, that’s many years off, but one can dream. Either way you look at it, the Leagues of Votann seem to be popular and the box went fast!

Getting it From Your Game Store

Ûthar the Destined and an Einhyr ChampionDon’t forget, even though it sold out from GW, you can still potentially get it from your local game store! It’s really a win all around. Plus, you don’t have to go and contend with everyone online trying to buy the allocated box, and you will have it in your hands on release day.

So remember, there is still a chance your local store has one, so maybe hit them up and see! Remember buying from your local store (if they are good for the community) when you can, is always a good idea and can help keep gaming and the hobby strong in your area!

Barring that, there are still army box sets available on both eBay and Amazon alike for 15% off as of this writing that you can order by clicking the links below:

Click Here to Get Yours From Amazon or eBay

Were you able to grab an army box, and do you like how the Leagues of Votann are shaping up? 

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