New Leagues of Votann Psychic Powers, Relics & Warlord Traits

LEagues-of-votann-40k rules-newIt’s raining rules, as the new Leagues of Votann Psychic Powers, Relics, and Warlord Traits from their 9th Edition Warhammer 40k codex have been leaked!

The internet has struck once again with some big leaks from the upcoming Leagues of Votann codex! If you’re considering playing Leagues of Votann, these new rules are a great way to decide what to build your army around from the upcoming codex book!

Be sure to check out all of these articles on the new Leagues of Votann 40k codex rules below:

Leagues of Votann Army Box

leagues of votann army set

The first wave of Kin includes Ûthar the Destined – who you can also build as a Kâhl – a formidable Einhyr Champion, three nippy Hernkyn Pioneers, and 20 Hearthkyn Warriors who can be taken as two squads of 10 to fill out a Patrol Detachment.

It’s the first place to acquire the 104-page Codex: Leagues of Votann – with an exclusive cover no less – alongside a pack of 50 datacards and two transfer sheets filled with the symbols and logos of the major Leagues. Everything in this set will be available separately later – except that exclusive codex cover.

The box looks like it will basically be a 500-point list. More or less a Combat Patrol, but with two HQs, so we’ll have to see if they just rebox it for a Combat Patrol later on or release something new.

Leagues of Votann preview 3The Leagues of Votann Army box set will have a decent number of new models inside, just like the Beast Snaggaz, this will be released early with the codex.

Leagues of Votann codexThe codex will arrive separately after the army box, so if you want early access, you’ll have to grab this release!

Here’s the most up-to-date how-to-play review of the new Leagues of Votann rules- so click on the gallery above to see all the new 9th Edition rules from the Leagues of Votann codex!

Leagues of Votann Psychic Powers Rules

votann Psychic powersFirst up, gaining CP is always nice, especially on a casting value of 5. Next up, you basically give your guys +1 Toughness and FNP. Ancestral Wrath is excellent as you’ll be doing mortals on a 3+ a lot of the time, and against big units, you should deal with 4 mortal wounds (if you have the token on them).

Null Vortex is kind of crazy against certain armies, as just nullifying all invulnerable saves can really be a pain. Lastly, being able to stop actions and reduce their hit roll is pretty nice.

New Leagues of Votann Relics & Warlord Traits

Leagues of Votann Rules 6

We saw this from GW and this lets you try and kill enemy characters with shooting, and then if you do, you can transfer a token over to another unit, so if you have a big shooty warlord, this is great.

Votann Warlord TraitsAdding 3″ to all abilities is really nice as it will give you that much more flexibility. Unrelenting Toil is excellent as it can allow you to still shoot with a unit doing actions, and with how much shooting every unit has, this can be really strong.

Leagues of Votann Rules 7Forcing an enemy to strike last is huge, especially since you just pick them, and they are forced to. No rolls or anything like that.

votann relicsThe Exactor is an insane weapon in melee as it doesn’t give you the minus to hit, and any hit roll of a 6 just does D3+3 Mortal Wounds. However, the First Knife might be cooler, as all you have to do is hit and you deal D3 Mortal Wounds +1 for each judgement token!

You could easily do D3+3 mortal wounds for just hitting…

votann relics 2Being able to just move over everything is cool but also keeping reinforcements further away is nicely rolled into one relic. The Murmuring Stave is actually pretty strong as not only does it give you one more power, but it also lets you still cast while performing actions. Lastly, Ymma’s Shield is actually awesome. If your opponent hits you with a big damage hit, you just get to ignore it completely, and on a 5+ they even get a token!

votann relics 3Flayre is pretty great as it gives you three more attacks and has a ton of extra strength, Damage, and AP. Next, you can actually revive your character on a 3+, while it’s only with D3 wounds, it can be game-changing to keep your warlord on the battlefield.

Lastly, the Grey Crest will be a great debuff against your enemies.

leagues of votann all modelsSo, for now, at least, we have “seen” lots of new models and rules for the Leagues of Votann Squats army!

If you love everything Squats, check out the latest on the new Leagues of Votann below.

Here’s the most up-to-date how-to-play review of the new Leagues of Votann rules- so click on the gallery above to see all the new 9th Edition rules from the Leagues of Votann codex!

What do you think about all these new 40k rules for Leagues of Votann relics, powers, and traits in their 9th Edition Warhammer 40k codex?