New Leagues of Votann Sagitaur ATV Revealed by GW!

new-votann-vehicle-leaguesThe Leagues of Votann Sagitaur ATV is the first full vehicle reveal we’ve seen for the upcoming 40k faction!

The reveals have been speeding up to basically every week for the Leagues, so that means we could potentially expect to see them before too long! We hope they keep the new models coming and really flesh out the faction before the release.

Warhammer Community unveiled the newest vehicle, but we’ll also take a look at the previous bikers to see how close they look to see the look they are really going for.

New Leagues of Votann Sagitaur ATV Revealed by GW!

Sagitaur ATV

Designed for surveying inhospitable alien terrain, the Sagitaur is a rapid-response ATV suited to scouting operations and lightning-fast armoured offensives alongside Hernkyn Pioneers. Its armoured carapace is durable enough to shrug off everything from rockslides to plasma blasts, making it an ideal spearhead for any League-sponsored colonisation effort.

They gave this a rover look for exploring, and it has a distinct look compared to many other Warhammer 40k vehicles.


Sagitaur ATV 2

Sagitaurs usually operate in pairs – they’re remarkably heavily-armed for their size, with a nose-mounted twin bolt cannon complemented by a swivelling turret weapon, such as a HYLas beam cannon, L7 missile launcher, or MATR autocannon. 

Mentioning they work in pairs gives us a big look into how you can run them. Probably something like running two will only take up one slot, or you might have to take two when you look at the rules they mention below.

Sagitaur ATV 3

Once they’re right up in enemy lines, they disgorge their ornery cargo – a full squad of infantry, which can be split between the two vehicles. These hardy warriors pop out, engage enemy units with their superior weaponry, and claim vital objectives – while the Sagitaurs speed off to deliver their heavy firepower wherever it’s needed.

So, they will be troop carriers, and we’re not exactly sure how splitting up the units will work, but maybe that means each can only carry five models?

New Leagues of Votann Squats Trike Hernkyn Pioneer

We’ve seen a few models for the Leagues of Votann, and we wished for more! Well, this is a totally different style than we’ve seen, and pretty cool for sure with the retro vibes!

Leagues of Votann New Squats 1

You’ve heard of flying pigs – well, what about a flying hog? For anyone who hasn’t been following the Leagues since parachute pants and giant shoulder pads were in fashion,* here’s the kind of trike the Kin were riding around in the 1980s.

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Though the old Squat Trikes were noticeably less airborne, you can see a number of key design cues that carried over to the Hernkyn Pioneer… as well as a few places where the technology of the Leagues of Votann has clearly diverged from the Imperium. There’s no mistaking this for a Space Marine bike!

Overall, this is a pretty sweet model, and it’s cool to see them keep with that old Squats trike miniatures aesthetic for the new Leagues of Votann.

Leagues of Votann 3

And check out the tough-and-testy triker holding the handlebars of the Hernkyn Pioneer! It’s our first look at a female Kin, clad in a coat and goggles worthy of any aviating outrider. In the Leagues of Votann, when the clan-family calls, everyone answers.

Leagues of Votann New Squats 1We’re all for Squats, so any miniature or vehicle kit previewed for them is exactly what we want to see!

If you love everything Squats, check out the latest on the new Leagues of Votann below.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

Are you excited about the return of Squats er the Leagues of Votann? Will you be picking some of them up when they drop?