New Leman Russ & Thousand Sons Legion Rules REVEALED

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Both Leman Russ’ Space Wolves and Magnus’ Thousand sons’ rules are finally here courtesy of the Horus Heresy Weekender. Come check out the latest updates from Nottingham.

The Horus Heresy weekender has come and gone, but we’ve seen a huge influx of new releases and content. Checkout the latest updates from the event, as we worked long hours all  weekend long to bring them to you!

Hobby Hero Garro was on the scene already at the Horus Heresy weekender with great write-ups, and pictures of the event! Members of the 30k Sweden group were also in attendance posting up everything they saw as well!

Special thanks to 30k Sweden & Garro for the following images.

First and foremost, the Contents:

Leman Russ Points & Stats:

Special Rules:

Space Wolves rules:

New Warlord traits:

New Wolf Guard units to come?

Here’s the rules write up from Garro:


Gain +1WS if they are successfully charged, and also have counterattack
models without jump packs or terminator armour gain +1 to run and consolidation moves
ignore night fighting, may reroll outflank, and infiltrators may not deploy within 18″ regardless of line of sight

Consuls may not be chosen as compulsory HQ choices
Must take at less 1HQ for each 1,000pts (1,500pts etc must take 2)
Champlain, Libraran and Primus Medicae are not allowed (replaced)
all existing troops choices gain ‘support squad’

Space Wolves have their own Warlord traits (sagas) can ONLY take these, not others.

Rites of War
Number 1
+1 to reserves
All units without terminator armour gain hit and run, but only run 2d6 rather than 3d6 as usual
successful charges gain an additional +1 to attack (stacks with rage, regular charge bonus, etc)
No artillery or drop pods of any kind
Only a single Heavy support choice

Number 2
All grey slayer and assault squads must attempt a charge if in range
+1 to combat resolution if in enemy deployment zone
gains a certain warlord trait that allows all units to reroll all charges and run rolls for a single turn, warlord can still get this trait allowing for 2 turns
No allied space marines, and no immobile. artillery or slow and purposeful units allowed either

space wolves

Fernisan Wolves can be purchased for praetors or centurions for cost

Frost Blades are in, blade, axe, claw and great blade are choices
aether-rune armour gives +1W and reroll deny the witch

Deathsworn Pack
Comes with power axe and bolt pistol, may take rad grenades,
are fearless while in combat, also any model killed before it attack in close combat, may still attack, instead at I1 as long as the squad isn’t wiped out.

Varagyr Wolf Guard Terminators
Terminators all with frost weapons
If charges over 6″, makes a str5 hammer of wrath attack, chosen warriors, gains +1 to combat resolation if enemy challenger is killed

Grey Slayers
10-20 man troops choice
1 in 5 can swap out for power fists etc
Start with just CCW and bolt pistol, but can buy bolter, combat shield, heavy chainblade, or power weapon for price
Can not go to ground.
May charge after runnning or firing bolters, but has -1″ to charge range

Geigor Fellhand (from burning of prospero boxset)
ap2 mastercrafted lightning claw,may charge after runnning or firing bolters, but has -1″ to charge range

Hvarl Red-blade
Up to 3 infantry units gain scout
ap2 +2str axe, not unwieldy
in tartarus terminator armour

Preist of Fernis
General Consul upgrades,
Must choose to be a ‘speaker of the dead’ or ‘caster of runes’ gaining abilites depending

Leman Russ
Wolf Guard and Veteran Tactical Squads are troops,
All wolves gain +1leadership
Sword is ap2 with shred, axe is +2str ap2 sunder non unwieldy

Wolfkin of Russ
1 model units, take must start within 6″ of russ, then run off. pretty nasty against small units or stragglers.

magnus-horz (1)

New Magnus the Red rules spotted:

Magnus has a Psychic Mastery level of 5 and he harnesses Warp Charge points on a 3+ when attempting to manifest Psychic Powers. His Psyfire serpenta weapon has a range of 15″, Strength 8, AP 2, and Assault D3 with Soul Blaze.

All units of the Space Marines of the Thousand Sons Legion carry the rules shown below:

Plus the XV’s Rite of War; The Axis of Dissolution:

And now, the Legion Specific Units:

New Psychic Abilities:

New Dreadnought Rules:

The Horus Heresy weekender just began and we’re already seeing a huge influx of new releases. Check back for the latest updates from the event, as we’ll be bringing them to you all weekend.

The Horus Heresy weekender is going strong and we’re seeing a huge influx of new releases and content. Check back for the latest updates from the event, as we’ll be bringing them to you all weekend.

More On Horus Heresy Weekender