New Lyrics To Old Favorites: Warhammer Christmas Carols

By Caitlyn Cumberland | December 25th, 2018 | Categories: Happy Holidays, Warhammer 40k News

Santa Nurgle

It’s that time of the year again. Come see some classic Christmas Carols with a Grim Dark twist, like rudoz, da red nose grot! Har, Har, Har!

These new Warhammer lyrics to Christmas carols have been making the rounds now for years, and we love to share them with you each and every Christmas Day.

Happy Holidays 2018, and here’s to a great New Year as well!

bad santa

Grim Dark Up on the House Top

Up on the barracks top stompas pause.
Out climbs big ‘ol warboss clauwz.
Down frew the chimney wif lotz o’ guns.
All for the little orks to krump spess nuns.
Ha ha ha, who wouldn’t waaagh!
Ha ha ha, who wouldn’t Waaagh!
Up on the barracks top click click click.
Down free the chimney to krump a git.

Grim Dark, Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer

“ya know of ghazgull an’ grimskull an’ gorgutz an’ bludflag
Badrukk an’ Grotsnik an’ Zhagstruk an’ Buzgob
But do ya git recall
da most famouz grot of them all?

Rudoz da red-nose grot
haz a very flashy nose
an’ have ya evah saw it
ya’d know how fast he goez

In a zoggin’ waaagh eve
Warboss came an’ yell’d

then how da boyz iz laughin’
as he shout’d out in fear.
rudoz, da red nose grot
da most flashy of da lot!

40k santa

Grim Dark, Night Before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Emperormas, when all through the barracks
Not a creature was stirring, not even a Ji’atrix;
The supply crates were stacked by the landing zone with care,
In hopes that Munitorum supply drops soon would be there;
The guardsman were turning restlessly in their cots,
While dreaming of charges by foul Orks and their grots;
And Commander in her ‘kerchief, and I in my Commissar cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter’s nap,
When suddenly the wailing of a siren grew loud,
I sprang from my bed to scream, “In the Emperor’s name, what now?!”
Grabbing my bolt pistol, I ran through the halls,
And stopped at the door to see what made the machine spirit call.
When, what to my bionic eye should scream in from the void,
But a roaring half scrap tank and eight burly Orkoids,
With a roaring, hooting driver, with huge tusks in his jaws,
I knew in a moment it must be Warboss Clauz.
More rapid than Dakkajets his Looted Tank came,
And he laughed, and shouted, and called his boys by name;
“Oy, Dasha! now, Dancza! now, Prancah and Vixen!
On, Rocky! on Fuzgob! on, Crakker and Blitzen!
Now on through dem gates! Let’s rouse dem gits from dere beds!
Now get the zog up there before I krump all ye heads!”

Grim Dark, Jingle Bells

Dashing through the warp,
Astronomican’s gone away,
“Take us hard to port!”
We hear the Trader say
Now hear the hull walls shake
Filling us with fright
What the fuck decided to break
Our Gellar field tonight!?
Oh, alarm bells, Nurgle smells,
Tzeentch just laid an egg,
gorey clods fly for the Blood God,
and Slaanesh got her waaay,
Infinite Hells, the Captain fell,
our bodies now mutate,
we look so strange cause the Lord of Change
was feeling so irate!

What’s Your Favorite Grim Dark Christmas Carol?