New Magnus Primarch Model Inbound for Warhammer Fest!

magnus the redWarhammer Fest is right around the corner and Games Workshop is giving us a preview of a new Magnus model that will be showcased during the event!

Warhammer Community just dropped a preview of the brand new Magnus the Red model. Let’s see what they had to say and take a look at the new model that will be making its way to Warhammer Fest.

Magnus the Red, the Crimson King, Lord of Prospero – famous and infamous in equal measure for being perhaps the second most powerful psyker in the Imperium, after his father the Emperor.

FW Magnus The Red.We have, of course, already seen the daemonic incarnation of Magnus in the 41st Millennium. This version, while still towering over his brother Primarchs, is not on quite the same scale (which has the advantage that you can fit in a Land Raider of course.)

You can pick him up for the first time at Warhammer Fest (which, incidentally, is also hosting a Horus Heresy Grand Tournament).

The rest of you will need to wait a little longer to order one, but he will be available for all later this year.

This new Magnus model from Forge World looks amazing, and will be available early at Warhammer fest. This is the first look at the entire model we’ve seen. But the announcement and preview of it first came at The Horus Heresy Weekender.

If you wanna see how good we think he is ruleswise, we chat about him on a recent podcast:


30k Magnus Walks Into A Bar – Episode 90

@3:31 Table Top Market Place

@12:45 Magnus

@24:52 Warlord Titan


Hobby Hero Garro was on the scene already at the Horus Heresy weekender with great write-ups, and pictures of the event! Members of the 30k Sweden group were also in attendance posting up everything they saw as well!

Special thanks to Garro for the following images.

Horus Heresy MagnusHorus Heresy Magnus HeadshotHorus Heresy Magnus Headshot Closeup

The new Magnus will be on sale at Warhammer Fest, and it looks like it’s going to be a hot item everyone is going to want to get their hands on. Warhammer Fest 2017 kicks off May 27th, so be sure to keep checking back until then for the latest updates on the event.

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