New Necromunda House Cawdor: Master Blaster Edition

new-necromunda-modelsThe new Necromunda House Cawdor model is a true showing of teamwork from one of the most rag-tag gangs out there!

The Stig-Shamblers hold their weapons together without much other than tape and hope, but hey, sometimes that’s all you need! The mini is pretty wild and even if you don’t play Necromunda, this could be made into some really wild minis.

Warhammer Community just unveiled the upcoming mini and a single rule for it as well. If this doesn’t give you Master Blaster vibes, we won’t know what will! If you need brains and brawn in one buy, then this is for you. Let’s get into the new model!

New Necromunda House Cawdor

new house Cawdor NecromundaOften working together in pairs to accomplish things they might struggle to achieve alone, the Stig-shamblers are lumbering their way to an underhive conflict near you. The Stig-shambler bears many hallmarks of House Cawdor – weapons merely held together with tape, nails on their armour, and even a candle to light their heavy flamer. When your pal is with you, nothing can stop you from joining in the fray.

Honestly, this is a pretty wild mini and would just be so much fun to throw down on the tabletop. Plus, as we said, this would just make for so many fun conversions, so if you like putting minis under the knife, this would be a great mini for it.

new house Cawdor Necromunda 3Stig-shamblers are lumbering Brutes armed with clubs and heavy weaponry, directed by diminutive pilots. By working together, they become more than the sum of their parts, capable of causing untold carnage in the sump-scapes of Necromunda.

They didn’t give us an exact release fate but usually when they show the previews we’re about a month out from the release. Which really isn’t too bad. Plus, they revealed a single new rule, for now, let’s check that out!

New Rule

new house Cawdor Necromunda 2On the tabletop, Stig-shamblers deliver on their synergistic power. One of the pair is capable of feats of great strength, while the other has a fine aim and is quite cunning to boot. 

This is a nice little rule, considering you can re-roll 4 different tests with it.

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