Hot New Necromunda Starter Set, House of Faith & Redemptionists

Necromunda house of failth walThe new Necromunda Redemptionists Gang, House of Faith expansion, and an updated starter box set were just revealed by Games Workshop!

It’s time for another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Here are the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community!

GW The Faith & Damnation Preview

faith and damnation preview

 Allow us to restore your faith next weekend with the massive reveals we’ll be showing off in the upcoming Warhammer Preview Online: Faith & Damnation. We’ll be sharing new models and expansions for:

faith and damnation contents

There is a little bit for everyone in this preview it seems! If you missed any of the last previews here they are for a quick recap!

All the Latest GW Previews:

New Necromunda Starter Set, House of Faith & Redemptionists




Necromunda House of Faith

house of faith bookThis tome delves further into the background of House Cawdor than we’ve seen before, introduces new ways to play Cawdor gangs, and looks at their relationship with the outlaws known as Redemptionists.

Nothing beats some righteous fury running down gangs in the Underhive. The new book is sure to add a bunch of rules and a couple of models, so keep your eyes open for them. Speaking of models, a few got showed off!

House of Faith Gang Members

Faith necromundaThese incendiary fanatics can be added to your Cawdor gang, but if you feel the underhive really needs a good purging, you can go all-in and muster an entire force of Redemptionists instead. With models as fabulous as these, we wouldn’t blame you. Looks like the Enforcers might need to start working double shifts to try and dampen things down once these zealots get started.

These models remind us of those Black Fortress Imperial model a little bit, with all the normal fanaticism for the Emperor!

New Necromunda Starter Box: Hive War

necromunda starter boxSpeaking of getting started, Necromunda is also getting an amazing new starter set, called Hive War.

New Starter sets are always welcome, as they provide great entry points of any of the various game systems and this is no different!

necromunda starter box contentIf you’ve ever thought about dipping your toe into Necromunda, now’s the perfect time as this box contains everything you need to get started.

Over 20 models, with 2 vastly different gangs, terrain, dice, a rule book, and everything you could need to get a fresh game of Gang Warfare going with a buddy. You can’t go wrong with this, especially if you haven’t dipped your toe in and have wanted to test the waters of Necromunda.

How do you feel about these Necromunda additions? Are you a player of any of these gangs? Do you remember the old house Cawdor rules?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!