New Necron 40k Rules: Relics, Codes, & More!

By Andrew Schrank | October 6th, 2020 | Categories: Necrons, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

New-Necron-40k-Rules-Relics-Codes-titleDon’t miss even more new Necron 40k  codex rules as we dive into the factions Relics, Overlord Codes, and Secondary Objectives!

Just like with the other Necron codex rules, some of these have been changed and some haven’t. Overall though there is a lot to check out with it comes to all these new abilities for your army’s characters.

New Necron 40k Rules: Relics, Codes, & More!

TL;DR If you want to check out the rest of the Codex rules not on this page we got you covered below:

Necron Relics and Cryptek Arcana


Orb of Eternity is for the most part the same as it was, you can roll a second Reanimation protocol for a unit once and you add one for each successful roll. However now that you can only get a full squad back with Reanimation protocols with an Orb, this is more relevant.


Voidreaper took a slight nerf by going to S+2 from always hitting on 2s. It still is an upgraded Voidscythe adding some punch and making it so the wounds can’t be ignored via rules or abilities.

Gauntlet of the Conflagrator rolls dice for each model in a target unit and does mortals on 6s. It got a buff from last time and now gets increased range to be in line with other flamers, and can be fired every turn like usual.

Sempiternal Weave got a slight NERF as you can only take it on nobles, meaning Crypteks can’t take it. An extra toughness and wound is still good on lords and the like, but I’m not sure you’d take it over the other options on a Lord/Overlord.


Vanquishers Mask is only available on a Sautekh model. At the beginning of the fight phase, you can choose an enemy unit within 3 inches of the character with the mask and force them to fight last. This can be extremely strong, especially if you have one enemy unit surrounded, more or less guaranteeing a free fight phase with minimal losses.

Crypteks have whats called Cryptek Arcana which behaves the same as relics, however, they are like wargear and cost points to take one on a Cryptek. They don’t interfere with relics.


Cryptek Arcana itemsHere’s the points, and PL that we saw on Warhammer Community.

Prismatic Obfuscatron (20pts) is by far the best option in my opinion. It gives the Cryptek the old character rule, only being targetable if they’re the closest eligible target.

Fail-safe Overcharger (30pts) only a Technomancer can take this. In each command phase, the bearer chooses a Canoptek unit within 9 inches. They get +1 attack, or +d3 attacks if they’re a Monster. This lets you really power up a unit of Wraiths to wreak havoc.

Phylacterine Hive (20pts) is also Technomancer only. Once per game, the Technomancer can revive a Triarch Praetorian, Destroyer, or Canoptek model. This is pretty solid giving you the chance to get a big revive off and potentially swing the game back in your favor after an important unit died.

Powers of the C’tan

C’tan get their old “powers” mechanic back. Each shard gets the one specific to them if they are named and one that you choose. The best are probably:

  • Antimatter Meteor now goes off on a 3+ rather than 2+, but do 3MWs base and 3+d3 on a 6 to the nearest enemy within 24 inches.
  • Transdimensional Thunderbolt goes off on a 2+ and deals d3 mortal wounds, then also 1 mortal wound to nearby units on a 4+. Pretty big buff here with only needing a 2+ now for the first target.

Necron Command Protocols

These look like the Necron’s version of Space Marine’s Doctrines although it’s not a perfect comparison. You’ll need an Overlord (or three) because with these guys being the lynchpin for Command Protocols they’ll probably have a big target on their back. Two of them are:

  • Protocol of the Sudden Storm gives you the ability to either gain an extra inch of movement or keep a unit open for attacking while performing an action (like Raising the Banners) for example.
  • Protocol of the Conquering Tyrant is pretty decent. Directive 1 adds extra range to your lords’ aura abilities. Your Lord’s Will, My Will Be Done, and Rites of Reanimation all get extended by 3 inches as well! Directive 2 allows units to shoot after falling back at -1 to hit. Both are solid options depending on your situation.

Units are affected by these new Necron protocol rules when within 6 inches of your characters and you select a directive each round after choosing a Protocol at the start of the game.

Necron Secondary Objectives

You get to take one secondary if your entire army is Necrons. Out of this list most are playable but 2 are probably better than the rest and those are:

  • Treasures of the Aeons which lets your opponent mark three objectives and you get 2, 3, and 5 victory points depending on how much you hold at the end of each of your turns. This is great because it’s not battle round, but your turn. meaning even if they kill you after you get on it, you’ll have already got the bonus points!
  • Code of Combat can also be pretty good if you have souped-up one of your Noble Characters. You’ll earn 3 victory points for each unit they killed. It’s only good if you really go after it, but given you can get 6, if you kill one in shooting then in close combat too.

Pretty interesting stuff, especially the C’Tan powers as some of you may remember the courage of the Transcendent C’tan just a few years ago on the tabletop. Clock in at 9 wounds these new C’tan may just rise again in 9th Edition!

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What do you think about these codes, relics, & secondaries? Are the changes fair and warranted? Which change has you most excited?

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