Open War Cards Create New Ways To Play 8th


Games Workshop just announced new Open War cards that will be going up for pre-order tomorrow. Come take a look a new way to play Warhammer!

The Open War cards will be available for pre-order today and are going to open up a lot of different scenarios and unusual missions for you and your opponent.

Let’s see what Games Workshop had to say about it.

Open War

Open War cards are a new way to play Warhammer 40,000, allowing you to play reactive and unusual scenarios. There’s huge scope for all kinds of players in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, but planning out bespoke scenarios and campaigns can take time; with the Open War cards, you’ll be able to quickly generate unusual missions for you and your opponent.

You can pre-order your own Open War cards tomorrow from Games Workshop.

Open WarOpen War Open WarOpen War

The new Open War cards are sure to put an unexpected twist on your next friendly game. This is going to be a fun and eventful way to play Warhammer 40,000, no game will ever be the same again. Make sure you check back with us tomorrow for the full break down on this week’s new releases for more information and the price of these new cards.

What do you think about these new Open War Cards? Is this something that you’re going to be giving a try? Let us know in the comments below.

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