New Orruks Models & Rules – WD 117 REVEALED

By Rob Baer | April 22nd, 2016 | Categories: Videos, Warhammer 40k News, White Dwarf


It’s not just Orruks coming next week folks! Come see all the new releases and teaser all the new Greenskins in our first look WD review.

This week’s White Dwarf has a great look at all the new Orruk Models, as well as a Paint Splatter article for them with some dope color schemes.

Plus the teaser may hint at more than just Age of Sigmar for next week:

wd 117 teaser

White Dwarf 117 $4


This week, White Dwarf have a lingering look at Gordrakk, Fist of Gork – a great green tide washes over the mortal realms as the Ironjawz make their presence felt. There’s a Megaboss on Maw-krusha, Orruk Brutes and Orruk Goregruntas, an Orruk Megaboss and a Weirdnob Shaman for you to have a look at. Oh, and an Orruk Warchanter. And the Orruk ‘Ardboys, and more!

There’s also the usual look at the rest of the week’s releases (there’s a Battletome. It’s Orruksome!), a Paint Splatter featuring Brutes and Gore-gruntas, Hat of the Week (no, really) and the usual comment, opinion and reaction from Da Week In White Dwarf.

New Orruks Models & Rules – WD #117 Review 

Another great White Dwarf is here. Pick it up at your LGS when you’re grabbing the new Knight Box set as well!

small castigator copy - patreon