New Penal Guard Bomb Torsos From Victoria Miniatures

Penal Guard Bomb Torsos

Look out for the new hotness from the team at Victoria Miniatures as we take a look at their new Penal Guard Bomb Torsos. Boom goes the dynamite!

These new bits from Victoria Miniatures that will have your enemies running the other way!

Here is the latest from Victoria Minaitures themselves:

Today I am pleased to add the Penal Guard Bomb Torsos to our online store. These male torsos are compatible with Victoria Miniatures troops and popular plastic guard. Just the thing for motivating your Penal Legions or keeping any unruly foot sloggers inline.

Penal Guard Bomb Torsos (male): $5.99

Penal Guard Bomb Torsos


Penal Guard Bomb Torsos


Penal Guard Bomb Torsos


  • 5 resin penal guard torsos with collars and explosive vests.
  • Suitable for 28mm heroic and 30mm troops. Compatible with the Victoria Miniatures range and popular plastic guard.
  • Fine detail miniatures cast in high-quality resin.

This is a great addition to anyone wanting to add sone dynamite bits to their next hobby project. Make sure you visit Victoria Miniatures and secure your set today!