New Pith Helmet Bits Set From Victoria Miniatures


Take your next Imperial Guard fighting force on a Safari with these new helmets from the hobby maniacs at Victoria Miniatures.

The creative team at Victora Miniatures are always coming up with great bits and miniatures that help your army stand out on the tabletop. Check out their latest.

Pith Helmets x10: $6.99

Pith Helmets


Pith Helmets 2


Pith Helmets for 10 troopers.

These are the same as the Pith Helmets worn by the male Victorian Guard Miniatures.

These are hollowed out on the inside and are designed to be used with Victoria Miniatures and popular plastic guard.

Hand cast in high-quality resin.

These new bits will add a level of sophistication to your next project. Make sure you visit Victoria Miniatures and secure yours today!