New Plague Surgeon from Pop Goes the Monkey!

Plague surgeon feature rGrab this amazing new Plague Surgeon from Pop Goes the Monkey and make your Death Guard army look even better- check it out!

Pop Goes the Monkey is always coming out with some of the coolest minis and bits on the market! They have also recently upgraded to Monkey Resin for their kits so you can get high-quality resin minis for less! Nothing wrong with saving some cash and getting cool alternative minis.

This time around they are adding a great DG character to the ever-expanding line of Nurgley stuff. The mini is full of detail while staying affordable! Also considering the GW version is sold out in most places, it becomes even better to grab. Enough of this talking, let’s jump into the new mini!

Plague Surgeon- Full Model: $22.99

New Plague surgeonIf you’ve been looking to add a new character to your army without breaking the bank, this is a perfect option! Just like all of their bits, the resin is super high-quality, looks great, and builds easily. 

Plague surgeon backThe kit just looks awesome and with how hard stuff has been to get lately, looking at the alternative minis is a great option.  If you want to see all the recent DG stuff they’ve been coming out with, you can check them out here.


Plague surgeon sizeYou can see if fits perfectly with the new size of Marines even though it’s a little more old-school style. Let’s hear what they have to say about it:

This full model kit harkens back to an “old-school look”, but have no fear, this guy can stand eye-to-eye with the newer larger marines. The kit comes in 4 pieces and does NOT include a base. The head torso and legs for the main part of the model. Both shoulders, arms, and weapons form the second two pieces with the backpack being one piece. 

That does it for this one! Just another great addition to their already awesome DG line!

Get Your New Plague Surgeon Here!