New Primaris SM Models Hidden In Plain Sight?

hor of space marine and chaos

Mysterious minis were spotted hiding in a place we never thought we’d see. Could these be in the queue for new models, or just proof of concepts?

Coming from Matt Toone on Linkedin, he is a Citadel miniature designer and posted up a pic with a handful of models in full view. The pic was posted as an ad for a Citadel miniature designer talent program. However, if you look at the models towards the back of the picture, some things look intentionally hidden and totally unique.

Mysterious GW Models Hidden in Plain Sight?

mystery minis

Here’s the range of minis we were talking about. As you can see, all of the models that we’ve seen before are all towards the front of the frame. But there are a few models towards that back that has us scratching our heads.

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The Primaris model here looks like it’s got some heavy inspiration/bits used from the Primaris Chaplain model. However, there is an entirely new chest piece and knee guard on the model as well. the hood also looks to have been ditched.

Behind him, there’s some kind of hooded figure with a series of bumpy, exposed skin. Could something from Nurgle be in the works here?

New Tzeentch Sorcerer?
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In full view here, you can see a Watch Captain and a green Ork Warboss. However, some kind of model behind him is orange and looks to be putting off a Tzeentch vibe. From the design of the staff to some feathery bird wings, it looks like Tzeentch might be the only good answer for the mini. But did you spot something else we didn’t?

Space Marine Librarian Concept?

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Finally, there’s another Space Marine figure floating off of the ground and holding some kind of staff. This honestly looks to be more of a kitbash like the Chaplain from above than anything else. The way the legs are posed and how the model is elevated makes us think that the lower half of the model came from the Interceptor kits. It also looks to be rocking a traditional Intercessor helmet and an Iron Halo.

Since this IS coming from a miniature designer, this could be an early mock-up of a new Librarian. Or, he could’ve just been having fun and made something unique for the pic. Either way, we can’t discount it.

Editor’s Note: It is possible that the colorations of these minis are due to the material they consist of, where the Ork could be an older Green Stuff sculpt, and the oranges could be resin print material. There is no telling what GW has access to printer wise, but it is 100% certain they print and paint 3D models to maintain their tight release and media schedules.

Moving forward, we should keep a close eye on the mini releases further down the road to see if any releases closely resemble these guys. It would be exciting to find out that we’ve been looking at a few models that were already on their way! So what do you think these minis are? What kind of new model would you like to see most? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!