GW Teases Redemptor Dreadnought Rules

Redemptor DreadnoughtGames Workshop just teased the rules for the Ultramarine’s Redemptor Dreadnought. Come take a look at the latest and greatest for the Space Marines.

The new Redemptor Dreadnought is sure to be a nice addition to your Ultramarine army. Let’s see what Games Workshop had to say about the new model.

Redemptor Dreadnoughts are the apex of Space Marine warfare, combining the ancient expertise of a renowned hero with new developments in Adeptus Mechanicus technology. Redemptor Dreadnoughts are the largest and most powerful of their brethren, rivalling even the venerable Leviathan pattern and trading out its older cousin’s atomantic shielding for more weapons. Colossal bulk indicates prodigious strength and belies a surprising turn of speed, outpacing their smaller brethren and capable of tearing apart even daemons and bio-titans with one enormous powered fist. This is combined with vast array of weapons designed to allow the Redemptor to focus on a specific target or remain terrifyingly versatile, from the anti-flyer Icarus rocket pod to the armour-melting macro plasma incinerator to the rolling thunder of the heavy onslaught gatling cannon. The Redemptor, like all Dreadnoughts, can also make use of Chapter Tactics, meaning an Ultramarines Redemptor is going to be very very dangerous – over two turns you could shoot, charge, fall back and shoot again. Nasty!

The new Redemptor Dreadnought is going to be a tough one to take down with 13 Wounds. At max health it has an 8″ Move, with a 3+ WS/BS, Strength 7, Toughness 7, 4 Attacks, Leadership 8, and a 3+ Move. Games Workshop did not show any of the weapons or abilities for the new dreadnought yet, but we’re probably in for a treat there.

Checkout how big this bad boy is from these pictures that were spotted recently on Twitter – it’s standing a little bit taller than the Leviathan Dreadnought next to him.

primaris dread

For a better idea of the actual size of the Redemptor here’s the some of the current Dreadnoughts available from Forge World (for the Horus Heresy), with the Leviathan in the middle.

dreadnought family - Copy

The new Redemptor Dreadnought looks like it will fit in between the Leviathan and Legio Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought. Which for a Primaris army seems to be just the right size.

Of course the Redemptor looks to be a up armored and gunned version of the classic MK V Ferrous Dreadnought armor, with some Contemptor leg and chest weapon styling.

Veteran players may see a  little something else when it comes to this new design, perhaps a little throwback to Rogue Trader Era?

What are your thoughts on the new Redemptor Dreadnought? Let us know in the comments below.

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