NEW RELEASES – Ad Mech Skitarii are HERE


They’re here, the first new 40k army in years is here. Get the Adeptus Mechanicus NOW!


Adeptus Mechanicus Sydonian Dragoon $49

The Sydonian Dragoon is a marvel of Adeptus Mechanicus engineering, the closest anyone has yet come to violating the immutable laws of thermodynamics. Perpetual motion repurposed for destruction rather than creation, they act as the Skitarii cavalrymen, charging into battle without doubt or hesitation.

Contained in the box is a number of options, customisations and modifications – the model can be armed with either a taser lance or radium jezzail, with holstered versions of each available – a phosphor serpenta can be added to either configuration. The legs can be posed in two different positions, the suspensors can be moved to different angles and the entire miniature is covered with the sensors, monitors and arrays typical of the Adeptus Mechanicus.


Adeptus Mechanicus Ironstrider Ballistarius $49

With a distinctive two-legged walking tank-shape, the artillery platform known as the Ironstrider Balistarius is a fearsome sight indeed. Gyroscopically balanced, with downlinks providing them with the sum knowledge of their enemies, the deadly accuracy of the Ironstrider Ballistarius would be the stuff of legend, were any survivors ever left to recall it.

As a mobile artillery weapons platform, the Ironstrider Ballistarius can be fitted with one of two armament options: a twin-linked cognis autocannon or a twin-linked cognis lascannon. The split-toed legs can be posed in two different configurations, with suspensors that can be modelled at differing angles, and the entire surface of the machine crawls with sensors, data collection modules and antennae. The gunner has four head options; three hooded and one rebreather.


Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii Rangers $39

Harnessing the energies of forge worlds within their curious weaponry, the Rangers of the Skitarii are implacable and relentless hunter-killers. For them, an engagement is not over until their enemy is destroyed – even if this means stalking them across galaxies and over decades.

Skitarii Rangers, featuring cowls and gasmasks, stalk their prey with galvanic rifles. Each trooper is sealed in heavy, industrialised Skitarii warplate, emblazoned with the symbol of the Adeptus Mechanicus, bristling with data-collecting sensors, antennae and environmental monitors. Mindful of the harsh terrain of Mars, their legs have been removed from the knees down, with bionic replacements lending each model an air of cold, cybernetic augmentation


Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii Vanguard $39

Harnessing the destructive energies of forge worlds within their weaponry, the Vanguard are so soaked in radiation that even to approach them is to confer a death sentence upon yourself. Victory for them is pyrrhic, as this radiation burns through even their heavy armour plate, slowly poisoning them to death even as their carbines bring about the (much quicker) demise of their enemies.

Skitarii Vanguard, featuring helmets and rebreathers, obliterate foes with radium carbines. Each trooper is sealed in heavy, industrialised Skitarii warplate, emblazoned with the symbol of the Adeptus Mechanicus, bristling with data-collecting sensors, antennae and environmental monitors. Mindful of the harsh terrain of Mars, their legs have been removed from the knees down, with bionic replacements lending each model an air of cold, cybernetic augmentation.


Skitarii Decal Sheet $20

This 210mm x 297mm transfer sheet contains highly-detailed transfers depicting the iconography and symbolism of the Adeptus Mechanicus’ devastating army, the Skitarii.

 And the bundles:

Skitarii Vanguard/Ranger Web bundle $102.25

This bundle contains everything you need to make ten Skitarii Vanguard and ten Skitarii Rangers, including two optional Alphas. 248 components are included in total, with forty-six heads, fifty weapons (enough to make any combination allowed for in Codex: Skitarii), a 210mm x 297mm Mars Skitarii Transfer Sheet, a pot of Martian Ironearth Technical paint and twenty 25mm bases.

Ironstrider Squadron $147

This bundle contains everything needed to make two Ironstrider Ballistarii and one Sydonian Dragoon – awesome, visually striking bipedal tanks featuring brutally effective long and short range weaponry.

 ~Assume the wallet position and get a clickin’