New Robots, Titans, & Orks! GW New Release Pricing

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Come and see what’s new this week from Games Workshop as we take a first look at new releases for Titanicus, 40k, and even Necromunda with pricing.

This week Games Workshop has a little something for everyone as they show off their new pre-orders from three of their most popular games. Let’s take a look.

Luther Pattern Excavation Automata “Ambot”: $40

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The Luthor pattern Excavation Automata is a heavy construct built in imitation of the Ambull, a huge, roughly humanoid xenos creature common to hot, arid worlds. These automata are commonly used for slag mining and ash excavation. However, there is always an underhive gang waiting for the opportunity to liberate such a prized commodity and utilise it as a weapon against their rivals!

Available to any gang as a Brute option, Ambots might not be subtle – but when you can reduce a fully armoured Goliath ganger to paste in moments, you don’t need to be!

This kit contains two highly customizable Ambots with two distinct poses, two different heads, plus an optional melta or grav weapon if you’re looking to equip your Ambot for ranged combat. With two Ambots in the set, it’s great for splitting with a friend – after all, having one Ambot in a campaign is deadly enough, but two is a bloodbath.

This set is supplied in 112 plastic components and contains 2x 40mm Necromunda bases, featuring pre-sculpted industrial detail.

Kustom Boosta-blasta: $45

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Armed to the grille with guns, blades, and greenskins, the Kustom Boosta-blasta is one of the deadliest Ork vehicles around. Ferociously fast, absurdly heavily armed, and boasting the capacity to set things on fire by simply overtaking them, it exemplifies everything the Speed Freeks look for in a vehicle.

Armed with an enormous, turret-mounted rivet gun, this vehicle is the bane of heavy infantry and light tanks alike, while up-close, it’ll incinerate hordes with an array of burna exhausts. If anything manages to survive, just charge it and let your spiked ram do the rest…

This set includes 68 plastic components with which to build a Kustom Boosta-blasta, plus a 150mm Oval Base.

Shokkjump Dragsta: $45

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The Shokkjump Dragsta combines two of the foremost triumphs of the Mekaniak’s art – recklessly fast speedsters and deranged weaponry. It is perhaps unsurprising that it has become one of the most popular forms of transport amongst the Mekboyz of the Kult of Speed.

You’ll find your opponents learn to fear the Shokkjump Dragsta. Armed with deadly sawblades, rokkits, and a kustom shokk rifle, it’s capable of shredding enemies to bits at almost any range, while its ability to teleport around the battlefield at random makes it incredibly difficult to predict – or escape from!

This set includes 62 plastic components with which you can assemble a Shokkjump Dragsta, plus a 150mm Oval Base.

Warlord Titan Weapons: Volcano Cannons and Apocalypse Missile Launchers: $42

(Webstore Exclusive)


Warlord Battle Titans stride over the battlefields of the Imperium, their thunderous tread heralding the destruction of the enemies of Mankind. A mainstay of the Collegia Titanica, Warlord Battle Titans are among the largest and most powerful war machines ever devised by the Mechanicum.

This plastic frame provides alternative weapons to use with your plastic Warlord Titans, increasing your tactical options and giving you new ways to devastate enemy war engines.

This plastic frame contains 44 components that make up the following models and additional parts for your Warlord Titans:

– Two arm-mounted volcano cannons
– Two carapace-mounted Apocalypse missile launchers
– Two heads
– Two tilting plates

This is not a complete kit – an Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan set is required to use the contents of this kit.

Reaver Titan Weapons: Melta Cannon, Chainfist, Volcano Cannon and Turbo Laser: $25

(Webstore Exclusive)


A gargantuan war machine, the Reaver Titan is one of the most common and destructive classes of Battle Titan. Armed with devastating weapons and able to crush enemies under its tread by the score, the ground shakes as the Reaver advances and the enemy is left with a choice: flee or die. Reavers are the heart of the Titan Legions, holding the line or leading the charge as their Princeps demand.

This plastic frame provides alternative weapons to use with your plastic Reaver Titans, increasing your tactical options and giving you new ways to devastate enemy war engines – including a devastating close-combat weapon!

This plastic frame contains 44 components that make up the following weapons and additional parts for your Reaver Titans:

– One volcano cannon
– One melta cannon
– One chainfist
– One carapace-mounter turbolaser
– Three alternative faceplates

This is not a complete kit – an Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Battle Titan set is required to use the contents of this kit.

Reaver Titan Weapons: Gatling Blaster, Power Fist, Laser Blaster and Apocalypse Missile Launcher: $25

(Webstore Exclusive)


A gargantuan war machine, the Reaver Titan is one of the most common and destructive classes of Battle Titan. Armed with devastating weapons and able to crush enemies under its tread by the score, the ground shakes as the Reaver advances and the enemy is left with a choice: flee or die. Reavers are the heart of the Titan Legions, holding the line or leading the charge as their Princeps demand.

This plastic frame provides alternative weapons to use with your plastic Reaver Titans, increasing your tactical options and giving you new ways to devastate enemy war engines – including a devastating close-combat weapon!

This plastic frame contains 48 components that make up the following weapons and additional parts for your Reaver Titans:

– One laser blaster
– One gatling blaster
– One power fist, with the option to model the hand open or closed
– One carapace-mounted Apocalypse missile launcher
– An alternative faceplate

This is not a complete kit – an Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Battle Titan set is required to use the contents of this kit.

Necromunda 40mm Bases: $5

(Webstore Exclusive)


Give your models awesome bases the easy way with these 40mm Necromunda Bases. Each of these bases is sculpted with rich and crisp industrial detail, meaning all you need to do is paint them. The results are incredible, helping to tie your models to the gritty underworld of Necromunda and matching the floor tiles found in Necromunda: Underhive and any board expansion sets. These 40mm bases are great for basing your own projects, like custom Brutes for your gang, and are also compatible with your Warhammer 40,000 models!

This set contains 5x 40mm plastic sculpted bases.

These new releases from Games Workshop look great this week and we can’t wait to see these units in action on the tabletop! Make sure you check back next week to see what’s new from Games Workshop.