New Salamanders Space Marines 40k Rules SPOTTED!

By Wesley Floyd | September 20th, 2019 | Categories: Space Marines, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

salamanders space marines new rules

Two new characters look to be on the way for Salamander Space Marines, and a ton of HOT (get it?) new rules as well. Don’t miss this!

Coming from War of Sigmar, these images have a “clickbait” watermark. But looking at the details on the coming Salamander support be sure to let us know how you think they’ll measure up against Raven Guard and Iron Hands.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The majority of the typed out rules below appear to have been altered in some way from the actual codex rules.  For the time being please take all this information as being potentially incorrect until proven otherwise.

Marines of Nocturne: Coming Salamanders Rules Spotted

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The images are a bit blurry but starting off, it looks like the Salamanders are getting a new character names Adrax Agatone. It’s a pretty safe bet that this guy will be Primaris following the latest trend among GW’s characters.

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Starting off with Adrax’s stat sheet, he’s a T4 character with what you’d expect (WS, BS, Sv 2+). But what makes this guy especially unique are his named weapons. He’s got a S4 -1 AP flamer with a 12″ range which is nice. But Malleus Noctum brings a new meaning to melee potential. With 6 attacks base and a 4-damage melee weapon, he’ll be able to devastate things in close combat. But wait, he gets better.

Unto the Anvil lets him add 1 to the wound rolls (BA Chapter Tactic) to himself and any friendly units within 6″ after they charge, were charged, or heroically intervened. The Drakehide Cloak also makes him take 1 less damage than normal when he gets hit! As for the rest of his rules, he’s got a 4++ invuln save and can reroll 1’s to everyone from Nocturne within 6″.

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As for Vulkan, he looks unchanged stat-wise. But he’s getting a new named battle brother at the very least!

Tactical Doctrine Bonus

Salamanders Feature

We’ve seen certain Chapters specialize in different Doctrines getting bonus rules while a certain one is active. For Salamanders, when the Tactical Doctrine is active, they’ll have Watch the World Burn. This gives flamer and melta weapons +1 to their wound rolls. You’ll be wounding most screens and enemy armor on 2’s and 3’s across the board with this one!

Promethean Psychic Discipline

salamanders terminators

Keeping the theme with purging enemies in holy promethium, they’re also getting a psychic tree of flame-focused powers. On War of Sigmar, the titles of the psychic powers are a bit odd so we left them out. These are:

  • Dish out a mortal wound on a 4+ to every unit within 3″ of a point.
  • 12″ aura giving a -2 Ld debuff. (Could be huge against screens).
  • D3 mortal wounds if you roll higher than the enemy’s toughness on 2D6.
  • Give the caster or target+1 Toughness.
  • Beef up a weapon to deal mortal wounds instead of normal damage.

Salamanders Relics


As for the Chapter’s relics, they’re getting a whole list to pick from! Check out these options and let us know which one seems the best all-around.

  • Some kind of magic tome: +1 to casts for powers in Prometheum Discipline.
  • Special helmet: Bearer gets +1 wound and puts off a -1Ld aura.
  • Special mantle: Bearer is -1 for enemy wound rolls.
  • souped-up combi flamer: -1 AP 2 flat damage ammo. 
  • Souped-up Boltgun: S5 -AP D3 damage.
  • Relic Thunder Hammer: S X2 AP-4 3 flat damage. (Bearer is -1 to hit but wounds of 6+ do 6 damage flat). 
  • Special Sigil Aura: Gives +1 attack to everyone within 6″.

Nocturne Warlord Traits


  • +2 Strength to the model.
  • Gives Defenders of Humanity rule (Objective Secured) to a non-Troop unit). 
  • Warlord gets a 6+++ FNP and regens a wound each turn.
  • Everyone within 6″ can reroll number of hits for flame weapons. 
  • Once per phase, one attack auto-hits for the Warlord. 
  • Warlord gets +2 toughness. (Imagine this on Ashmantle. He could be T11!).

Salamander Strats

vulkan hestan salamander

Looking toward the Chapter’s Stratagems, they’ve got some pretty fluff-themed ones as well. Again, the names were odd so we left them out. Essentially, you’ll have the options to:

  • Revive on a 4+ with 1 wound remaining.
  • One unit counts as have not been moved as long as they didn’t advance. (This is useful for things like Devastator Squads that need to cover ground).
  • Give a unit +1 Sv against single damage weapons. 
  • One unit can For the Greater Good overwatch for a friendly unit within 12″. 
  • Get a 2nd Warlord Trait. 

While we’re not 100% sure that these will indefinitely be a part of the Salamanders support, there’s definitely some neat tricks that look to be on the way for the Chapter. How do you think they’ll play assuming all of these rules are true? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!