New Shadowspear Chaos & Primaris Models Are ETB?

new chaos obliterator shadowspear

Here’s the latest on what we can glean from all the new Shadowspear previews, including if the models will be Easy to Build or multi-part.

You saw the Shadowspear “leak”… now get the details on Games Workshop’s most anticipated Warhammer 40k starter box so far this year!

Warhammer Community just revealed that In less than a week you can pre-order GW’s newest set: Shadowspear. Check out what’s inside this new battlebox.


Shadowspear is a battlebox that pits the malefic Daemonkin against the covert forces of the Vanguard Space Marines. This could be our best battlebox ever, containing two armies of gorgeous models with all-new sculpts, two mini-codexes, as well as lore and missions that kick off the next stage of the war for the Vigilus System. This set is incredible whether you’re looking to expand an existing army or start a brand new one. Have a look at all the incredible models you’ll find inside!

The most anticipated battle box of 2019 is finally revealed; Shadowspear will be available to pre-order next week.


GW is also putting out two mini-codexes for Shadowspear in addition to the datasheets for the models. GW says these books will “work on its own, even if you don’t posses Codex: Space Marines or Codex: Chaos Space Marines.”

You’ll find brand-new Warlord Traits and psychic powers, rules for dedicating your army to a specific Legion or Chapter, and matched play points, too! If you’re an existing Chaos Space Marines or Space Marines player, plugging Shadowspear into your main army is easy, and if you don’t play them already, it’s super simple to add them to your collection as an allied detachment.


Shadowspear Campaign Booklet

To get you gaming right out of the box, Shadowspear comes with a mini-campaign set on Nemendghast, one of the industrial worlds in the Vigilus System. With 6 potential missions to play, each offering narrative thrills and tactical challenges, you’ll have hours of fun playing with your chosen rival. Each mission is playable with any force, so you can see how your army from Shadowspear fares against Orks, Aeldari or any other faction you choose.

From the looks of it, this box will be Easy to Build (ETB) based on the duplicate Primaris Marines that we’re spotted in the previews above. That may make the retail price of this set on par with Dark Imperium at $160.
etb primaris
ETB confirmed for shadowspear
Per usual routine, GW has promised more details. This time- it’s an in-depth unboxing for Monday.  Check out the latest while you wait for updates on all the new releases below:

Full Chaos 40k Shadowspear Datasheet Rules REVEALEDkhorne daemonkin sm wal chaos

It’s raining rules! Don’t miss the 5 new Chaos Space Marine Warhammer 40k rules datasheets and miniature lineup for the Shadowspear box!

All 5 New Shadowspear Primaris Rules Datasheets SPOTTED!

space marine primaris wal hor site shadowspear

5 New Primaris Space Marine units are coming our way! Don’t miss the Warhammer 40k rules and miniature lineup for the Shadowspear box!

Which of these new releases are you looking forward to the most? Will you be transforming your gaming experience? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and get your free hobby updates each morning as well!