New Sisters of Battle & 8th Edition 40k Starter Release Rumors

By Rob Baer | December 9th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

sister of battle horzWOW there is a huge set of rumors going around this morning about new Sisters of Battle, Tzeentch, and the 8th edition 40k release! Don’t miss this one.

First off if you missed it last month at the end of Warhammer TV’s dust bins video the remark heard round the world was uttered:

Cool this isn’t released for months yet. <Long Pause> Plastic Sisters of Battle!

But are they really coming? Collectively the Warhammer 40k hobby universe seems be expecting a new sisters release shortly, and this set of rumors may just be the tip of the iceberg for new Sisters and 8th Edition.


Rumormongers tell BoLS

Look for a Tzeentch release window for Age of Sigmar in January

  • Close Combat Tzangors will be included
  • Blue Horrors
  • Brimstone Horrors
  • wait for it… Lord of Change (in plastic)
  • Tzeentch AoS Campaign book
  • Hobby Accessories


Now let’s switch back to the not so secret path 40K is on. We’ve seen more Adepta Sororitas in the last 2 weeks than we’ve seen in years.

Rumormongers tell BoLS (to no one’s big surprise):

  • Sisters of Battle return to 40K in January.
  • Look for a 4 product release window.
  • Look for a new standalone codex for the ladies.

The previous sets of sisters of battle rumors said:

  • First is Sisters of Battle and second is 8th edition are both coming very soon.
  • 8th edition Starter Set features Sisters of Battle fighting a yet-undeterminable xenos force (based on how the sprues looked)


With the way Games Workshop is shipping releases these days I would expect January to be bigger than December in terms of new items as well. We can confirm that Sisters of Battle will be releasing in a few weeks, however not in the way a lot of folks are expecting them. 

Look for GW to start flexing heir hobby muscles starting the first week of January 2017!

What do YOU think?

sister-walpaper lg

Sisters of Battle New Miniature Roundup

Time’s up for Sisters!