New Sisters of Battle BETA Codex Previews & 2019 Latest

Sisters of Battle

Don’t miss the latest Adeptus Soriritas updates from GW for the Sisters of Battle BETA Codex that is almost here in Chapter Approved 2018!

Games Workshop gave us a closer look at what Sisters of Battle would be getting inside Chapter Approved 2018.

But first, let’s check out all the latest previews from the past year leading up to their release in 2019:

Sisters of Battle 2018 & Beyond

Full codex release potentially set for the Q3 2019 window we have been predicting since Adepticon that lines up with GW’s admission of an 18 month development time on new codex books.

Starting with Sisters of Battle’s earliest previews:

Next are some stratagems and an Order of the Sororitas that was dropped as a teaser.

burning descent

Pretty good when you drop a unit full of flamers that are automatically hit their target, have their range increased to 12″ AND get to shoot again later in the turn.

holy trinity

If you need to squeeze out the last bit of damage on a tank that’s hard to crack, you can use this stratagem and have your flamers and Meltas get +1 to wound. Not too bad for only 1CP. The only stipulation is that there has to be a Bolt weapon in range of the target and everyone has to be shooting at it.

Now, looking at the Order of the Bloody Rose, these are the Sororitas that won’t think twice about charging into combat and keep up with the Space Marines by their side.

order of the bloody rose


We’ve also got an early look at a Plastic Sister of Battle from Adepticon. The amount of detail in the new model is 10x more prevalent from the classic metal Sisters we have for right now.

You can tell a lot of thought was put into this project.

sisters concept art

Sisters concept art from hobby hero Garro!

GW Previews More Sisters of Battle

Alicia Dominica Sisters of Battle

Sisters of Battle will be getting a new mechanic called “Faith Points” You can spend a Faith Point and roll dice to see if you meet the Devotion value for an Act of Faith. If it’s successful, you perform the act! It looks to be vaguely similar to a Psychic power.

Acts of Faith

the passion

Unlike in the previous system, Acts of Faith are designed to scale up based on army size, with you getting an additional Faith Point for every ten models with the Acts of Faith rule in your force. This makes the Sisters of Battle incredibly flexible, with Acts of Faith, combined with Stratagems, allowing them to adjust their tactics on the fly.

Most Sisters of Battle Armies will have a hefty handful of Faith Points. The question is, can you roll 2d6 for the devotion cost? is it 1d6? Or is it a D6 for every Faith Point you decide to spend?

Order Convictions (Chapter Tactics)

valorous heart

Valourous Heart will give you a 6+++ FNP roll on top of their 6++ invulnerable save.

ebon chalice

If you plan to be going Act of Faith-heavy, the Ebon Chalice gives you +1 to whatever you roll making it more likely to happen.

There will be six total Convictions to choose from by the time Chapter Approved gets here.

Sororitas Stratagems

suffer not the witch

If your Sisters find themselves in a situation where they can attack a Psyker, spend 1CP to make them outright bully him by rerolling all failed wounds.

blessed bolts

This is outright absurd. 1CP to turn ALL storm bolters in a unit into the bolt guns the lore describes. This stratagem tacks on -2AP and upgrades the damage to a flat 2.

vessel of the emperor's will

If you nail an Act of Faith test on a character, you can pop 3CP to make it an aura around the character affecting every unit within 6″. It doesn’t cost anything extra. You can see where the power level multiplies ten-fold when you’ve got three units fighting twice.

Relic of the Sororitas

book of saint lucious

Speaking of aura abilities, you can increase the range by 3″. Now imagine a 9″ bubble touching your Sisters when you pop Vessel of the Emperor’s Will.

Warlord Trait

indomitable belief

The Sisters that orbit your Warlord get their Invulnerable save increased by 1. We all know how brutal a 5++ Daemon save can be.

Penitent Engines

penitent engines

penitent engine 1

Apparently, a Sister duct taped to a Dreadknight from the 1940s is a better war machine than a Space Marine Dreadnought. The Penitent Engines can now ALWAYS fight twice, they reroll all failed hits whenever they charge or get charged, and have a 5+++ FNP.

Sisters of Battle looked like they may have aged-well with the power creep of 8th edition’s meta. The previews that we’ve seen so far don’t look half bad. What do you think about Sisters of Battle? What Conviction rules would you like to see?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.