New Slaanesh Daemon Rules Spotted For Wrath & Rapture

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Wrath & Rapture isn’t just coming with fresh models, they also have new stats and rules that can be played in both Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar!

Games Workshop dropped a preview of the Herald of Slaanesh’s weapon and other Daemon rules that are going to be coming inside of the Wrath & Rapture Box Set.

Infernal Enrapturess in 40k

slaanesh harp

It looks like the Herald of Slaanesh is actually called more specifically, the Infernal Enrapturess. She’s come to battle with a Daemonic harp that is fairly similar to the Noise Marine’s weapons. Her Heartstring Lyre has firing modes and has to do with “music” (probably more like Daemonic wailing).

slaanesh lyre

How potent does sound have to be to have more AP than a Boltgun? This weapon isn’t half bad. Cacophonous Melody turns a Marine’s save into a 50/50 toss up. She can also shave off the last few wounds of some heavy armor with her Euphonic blast.

discordant disruption

Not only can she shred the Lyre, but she can also increase the chances of any enemy Psykers within 24″ of suffering a Peril of the Warp. (Now on any roll of doubles.)

harmonic alignment

In an attempt of GW to make summoning more of a thing in 40k, they gave the Enrapturess a rule of adding three to the roll for anything getting summoned. She can also bring back a slain model from all Slaanesh Daemon units for free every turn on a roll of a 6+.

Infernal Enrapturess in AoS

wrath and rapture 3


enrapturess aos

She’s still got the same basic stats on her firing modes with the Euphonic Blast only doing D3 damage. However, wounds still bleed over in AoS so you could kill three things in one shot!

enrapturess aos 2

Discordant Disruption is BRUTAL in AoS. Enemy Wizards have to reroll all successful casting rolls and they take D3 mortal wounds on any roll of a double. The Enrapturess is bringing Perils of the Warp to a game that doesn’t even use that mechanic!

Fiends of Slaanesh in AoS & 40k

fiends of slaanesh

Fiends really exemplify what it means to be a Daemon of Slaanesh. They are seriously fast, able to outmanoeuvre any foe or exploit any gap in their lines, and attack with a flurry of claws. Fiends now also have an alpha-beast called a Blissbringer that hits even harder! The unit’s Crushing Grip ability makes their claws a deadlier prospect still in Warhammer Age of Sigmar:

Fiends of Slaanesh in AoS are corn-fed beefy stock with four wounds base and a leader called a Blissbringer. With that said, what do their attacks look like?

crushing grip

Fiends may only have a base damage of 1, but with a flurry of attacks coming from three models in the unit, there’s bound to be a few 6’s in your wound roll making it a whopping D3.

slaanesh barbed stinger

Their tails can also pack a wallop. Getting only one attack each turn, the damage of the weapon scales with the wounds characteristics of whatever they are attacking. It’s mainly designed to outright kill one model from the unit.

Speaking of their tails, here’s a quick preview of how they’ll play in 40k:

fiend barbed tail 40k

It’s got enough AP to crack through just about any armor and D3 damage is spooky enough for characters to have to think about charging in.

fiends musk

Enemies have to subtract 1 from hit rolls against Fiends. This is a huge deal considering most non-character units hit on a 4+ already. If the Fiend unit has four or more models, they have to subtract 1 from wound rolls as well. (The trick might be to run the Fiends in groups of six.)

As for 40k, Sopoforic Musk prevents the enemy from falling back unless they have the FLY keyword.

They’ve also got a Disruptive Song rule that forces enemy Psykers within 12″ of them to subtract 1 from any Psychic tests. This is even more brutal when you’ve for the Infernal Rapturess closeby.

Playing Slaanesh Daemons

Like other Daemon armies, Slaanesh lacks a serious shooting phase. The trick is to use Slaanesh’s speed from Fiends and Seekers to tie up key targets while the rest of your force advances. With the Fiends preventing any units from falling back unless they have FLY, you should multi-charge the first row of the gunline and hug them for a turn or two so nothing can shoot them despite being right in their face.

What do you think about the Infernal Enrapturess’s rules? Are Daemons better in AoS or 40k? How many Fiends are you running in your list? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.