New Space Marines Rules & 40k Points Updates In WD

new-rules-space-marines-40k-9th-editionThe new White Dwarf is going to have all the updated points for 40k and new Space Marine rules for the Exorcists!

Today on Warhammer Community, they revealed one of the new Exorcists rules and a bunch of stuff coming in the newest White Dwarf. Just keep in mind, if you want a printed version of all the points changesfrom the latest FAQ this is the only way to get it!

On top of that, the edition will have the normal stuff and a nice little battle report with the Warmaster Titan for AT. Let’s get into it!

40k Points Revealed for White Dwarf

Chapter ApprovedIncluded with each physical copy of March’s issue, you’ll find:

  • A Steam voucher containing a code that will unlock a whole bunch of awesome Warhammer games for free!
  • A 56-page printed booklet – Warhammer 40,000 Chapter Approved: Munitorum Field Manual 2021 MK I. Inside are updates to the points values for every unit of every faction for use in Warhammer 40,000 (including Forge World units), and it’s the only way you can get a printed version of these points.

So, looks like you won’t have to, or can’t, buy the Chapter Approved by itself. But hey, why not pick yourself up some reading material with White Dwarf 462 and grab some rules as well? But you can always just download the FAQs for free if you want here.

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Now let’s get into the teased Exorcists’ rules.

New Space Marine Rules



New Space Marine RulesThe Exorcists are one of the more controversial Chapters out there, while they were formed from Rogal Dorn’s genetic stock, they have some dark secrets! The new rules show that pretty well, and if your entire army can get a 5+ FNP against mortal wounds, that’s not too shabby! What causes mortal wounds the most? Psychic powers, so that rule goes pretty well with the fluff.

Also, the best you’ll ever be able to wound them on is 3’s so if you want a tough Chapter, this edition might be worth picking up!

Do you like them pointing the points out in White Dwarf? Are you excited to see the Exorcists’ rules?