New Squad Marks Magnetic Terrain Kickstarter Starting Soon!

Magnetic Terrain KickstarterIf you want terrain that can be set up in seconds and packed down easily, the Squad Marks New Magnetic Terrain Kickstarter might be perfect!

This is a really cool take on the pop-up terrain idea because everything is done with magnets. So all you have to do is just push them together, and bam, the magnets take care of the rest! The project has a lot of great pieces and if you need to travel with your terrain, or just don’t have much space to store it, this is awesome.

Plus, because it’s magnetic, you can get different setups all the time. It just makes everything easy, let’s check out the new project!

New Squad Marks Magnetic Terrain Kickstarter Starting Soon!

Squad Marks Feature rIf you sign up and get in on the project within the first 48 hours, you actually get two extra crates for totally free added to your pledge! So if you want to back the project, might as well do it early and save some cash! Here’s what they have to say about the new project:

Magnetic Terrain Kickstarter 4

Battle Ready Terrain is a complete table set of flat-pack and durable pre-decorated terrain for tabletop wargames including Warhammer, Infinity, Legion, and more!

Battle Ready Terrain will be available in different cost-effective, box sets with all of the terrain pieces included you need to play!

What Comes With the Project

Magnetic Terrain Kickstarter 2With everything in such an easy-to-carry box, you can’t really go wrong with this. It’s always nice to have some extra terrain when you need to go somewhere, or just not take up entire cabinets in your house!

Magnetic Terrain Kickstarter 3If you’re playing in the Grimdark, you know there are going to be plenty of ruins, plus with them being magnetized, you can keep the floors off. Or throw them on.

Magnetic Terrain Kickstarter 6Can’t go wrong with crates, and early birds get 2x crates for FREE!

Magnetic Terrain Kickstarter 7Obviously, there will be some foliage left, so might as well get some forests out there.

Magnetic Terrain Kickstarter 8Squad Marks already makes amazing objective markers, so getting them in the project is just an awesome little extra.

Different Themes

Magnetic Terrain Kickstarter 10


Magnetic Terrain Kickstarter 9Other than the gothic theme we’ve been looking at above, you can either grab a wild Cyber City or Wasteland terrain.

That does it for this one, now go signup so you can get in on the early bird special and score two free crates!

Click Here To Support the Project!