New Thousand Sons FAQs SPOTTED!

thousand sons occult horz

Games Workshop just dropped the new Thousand Sons FAQ on us. Come find out what has changed for this psychic heavy army.

We’re seeing a couple important changes with the latest FAQ’s. Let’s take a look at what Games Workshop has changed for the Thousand Sons.

40k faq 8th

Q: When a model’s datasheet states that it knows, for example, three psychic powers from the Discipline of Change and/or Dark Hereticus discpline, does this mean I can choose six psychic powers for them in total?
A: No, it means you can choose three psychic powers for them, in one of the following combinations:

1) three from the Discipline of Change.
2) three from the Dark Hereticus discipline.
3) one from one discipline and two from the other.

This was one we felt needed to be cleared up and we’re glad it was. You are not allowed to take six psychic powers for units that know psychic powers from the Discipline of Change and/or Dark Hereticus discipline but instead must choose either three from the Discipline of Change, three from the Dark Hereticus discipline, or one from one discipline and two from the other.

Thousand Sons


Q: The Brotherhood of Sorcerers ability increases the range of psychic powers by 6″. If a psychic power has a secondary effect that has a range (such as Infernal Gateway, which has an initial range of 12″ but then affects all other units within 3″), does the range increase apply to the initial range, the secondary range, or both?
A: It only applies to the initial range; so in the case of Infernal Gateway, you would identify the nearest visible enemy model within 18″ of the psyker, rather than within 12″. That model’s unit and every other unit within 3″ of that model would then suffer D3 mortal wounds.

Q: Can I replace the Smite psychic power when using the Chaos Familiar Stratagem?
A: Yes.

The Chaos Familiar Stratagem allows you to replace the Smite psychic power, and the Brotherhood of Sorcerors ability on increases the initial range of a psychic power, and does not affect the secondary effect.

Page 101 – Discipline of Tzeentch, Bolt of Change
Change the first sentence of rules text to read:
‘Bolt of Change has a warp charge value of 8.’

The Bolt of Change psychic power is now going to be easier to cast with a warp charge value of 8, coming down by 1 from a warp charge value of 9.

All in all, we’re seeing some good changes across the board in the new Thousand Sons FAQ’s. There’s more to be seen in the latest updates, so make sure you head over to Games Workshop and familiarize yourself with the latest rules.

What are your thoughts on the latest FAQ’s? Is there something you would like clarification on? Let us know in the comments below.

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