New Tyranids Pics Sighted In Escalation?!!

By Rob Baer | December 7th, 2013 | Categories: Tyranids, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

That’s right True believers, more indications that Tyranids are en-route surfaced today in the new Escalation book.

Turn to page 83 of the new Escalation Book, and behold what seems to be new Tyranid Warriors?

Details are sketchy, but that’s what it looks like.

Has the countdown to invasion begun? -MBG

Courtesy of BoLS

Look sharp in that new Escalation book everyone, there are new bugs in there

So first off crack open your Escalation book and take a look at this picture. Hmm, anyone ever seen Tyranid Warriors that look like that?

And someone on the internet somewhere spent a lot of time building this “old – new warriors” comparison based on that picture.

And folks are obviously getting looks at product and price lists behind the scenes.
from warseer’s endobai:

Some prices are sick (almost dropped from a chair seeing one), but mostly worth the price increase saving money spent for bits – much like with the Space Marine release.

I’d start gathering money (not so easy in December, I know) because there are many ‘must buys’ in the release.

Look for the Tyranid floodgates to burst open next week.  Have at it!