New Value: 40k Kill Team Back Again 2018

By Tim Roberts | July 28th, 2018 | Categories: 40k Kill Team, Product Review, Warhammer 40k News

New Value: 40k Kill Team Back Again 2018

Come and take a look as we unbox the new Kill Team from Games Workshop and see just how much value you get out of this new starter set.

The new Kill Team is finally here and we are stoked to give you the play by play unboxing and break down of the newest iteration of this epic skirmish game.

New Value: 40k Kill Team Back Again 2018

Now don’t be surprised when you get your hobby hands on this massive box it is heavy and slam packed with value. Let’s take a look and see just what comes inside the new Kill Team Starter From Games Workshop.

Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team: $130

Get yours for less from Miniature Market

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team

A fast paced tabletop miniatures game, Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team pits teams of elite specialists, ragtag zealots and hard-bitten veterans against each other in vicious skirmish battles to the bitter end. A single squad of well-trained and well-equipped warriors can tip the balance of a wider conflict – with Kill Team, you’ll play through countless stories of your own devising that could alter the fate of the galaxy itself.


So the first thing we get a peek at is the cards. Now if you don’t plan on picking up this starter set but still want to play Kill Team then have no fear all the cards you need to get into the game are also sold separately.

Including all the cards you need and excluding all the faction specific one that you don’t.


The massive amount of spues you get in this box are all color coded to help people just getting into the hobby to not get overwhelmed with the hobby task ahead.


The detail on this new terrain is amazing. Showing that GW is upping their game when it comes to giving the consumer quality terrain at a great price. These kits, unfortunately, can’t be completely modular you will have to bring some glue to the table.  You will also get to see the assembly instructions and go over some options on how to get this terrain assembled and on to the tabletop.


Last but not least we get a look at all the books that come in this new Starter Set including the Core Rule Book, Quick Start Guide, all the Tokens you need for the two included factions.

This new Kill Team Starter is an amazing value, with the two factions and Rule Book coming out at almost the cost of the whole box. You definitely get your money’s worth in this one. Make sure you stay in the trenches and check out our full video unboxing of the new Kill Team Starter below.