New This Week From The Black Library!

sisters of battle color study by skinpeelThe Black Library new release is here! There’s a new novel coming our way and the Sisters of Battle have made their way back into the Warhammer fiction.

Cult of the Warmason (Hardback) $27

Cult of the Warmason HB


In a galaxy teeming with alien aggressors, nothing unites the Imperium more than the worship of the immortal God-Emperor. Without the shining light of his divinity, travel through the stars would not be possible, and humanity would be swallowed by darkness. The shrineworld of Lubentina attracts billions of pilgrims who visit to reaffirm their faith, and catch a glimpse of the sacred relic held in its great cathedral. But the reach of man’s enemies is long, and when civil unrest breaks out, and rumours of four-armed monsters abound, the Adeptus Sororitas tasked with defending the world must face the fight of their lives. For they are few, but their enemies are numberless.

The Sisters of Battle return to Warhammer 40,000 fiction! Not only that, but master of the macabre C L Werner takes on the Genestealer Cults, the original horror story stars of the 41st millennium.

Written by C L Werner

The new Cult of the Warmason is now available for pre-order and will be available starting April 15th. Be sure to head on over to Black Library and get your copy today.

black library shelf

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