New Wolf Pattern Shields From Kromlech

Space Wolf Shield

Kromlech has created some cool new Storm Shields for your Space Wolf army Lets look at this awesome new addition to there massive custom bits line.

This new release from our friends at Kromlech will be a great addition to your Space Wolves, as they will stand out from the rest with these Sons of Thor: Wolf Pattern Shields

Sons of Thor: Wolf Pattern Shields:6,99 €


sons of thor wolf pattern shields back

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sons of thor wolf pattern shields

This set contains 5 futuristic Sons of Thor Wolf Pattern Shields.
They are designed to fit power armoured troopers.

Designed for 28mm heroic scale miniatures.

These new Sons of Thor: Wolf Pattern Shields from Kromlech are made from high-quality resin and are highly detailed. Let us know if you plan on picking these new hot bits for your Space Wolf army.

For more info on this and other great products visit the great people over at Kromlech.