NEWS- 13 New 40k FAQs

By Rob Baer | April 23rd, 2013 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer Rules FAQs

Oh shiny!  That’s right boys and girls its not an April fools joke, we have new FAQs.

Hot off the heals of Adepticon 2013 (and thanks GW for not releasing these before the event and inciting panic and causing much pre-tournament chaos).

I really mean that, thank you for not messing up the biggest indy GW event out there. It speaks volumes to your continued growth as a company.

So hot off the press are the new 40k FAQs (courtesy of Loken at 40k Apocalypse).

I’ll be dissecting these things down, here soon when I get caught back up from Adepticon 2013! If you missed that coverage, be sure to checkout it out here.

40K RULEBOOK v1.4_APRIL13.pdf(0.47 MB)Black Templars v1.2_JANUARY13.pdf(0.22 MB)Blood Angels v1.3_FEBRUARY13.pdf(0.24 MB)Chaos Daemons 2013 v1.0_APRIL13.pdf(0.04 MB)Chaos Space Marines v1.2_APRIL13.pdf(0.05 MB)Dark Angels v1.1A_APRIL13.pdf(0.11 MB)Dark Eldar v1.4_APRIL13.pdf(0.24 MB)Death From the Skies 2013 v1.1_APRIL13.pdf(0.05 MB)Eldar v1.3_APRIL13.pdf(0.21 MB)Grey Knights v1.4_APRIL13.pdf(0.31 MB)Imperial Guard v1.3_APRIL13.pdf(0.21 MB)Necrons v1.4_APRIL13.pdf(0.27 MB)Orks v1.4_APRIL13.pdf(0.27 MB)Sisters of Battle v1.1.pdf(0.09 MB)Space Marines v1.3_APRIL13.pdf(0.22 MB)Space Wolves v1.2_JANUARY13.pdf(0.35 MB)Tau Empire v1.0_APRIL13.pdf(0.03 MB)Tyranids v1.2_JANUARY13.pdf(0.2 MB)

Dig in people!
