Next 40k Meta Breaker: Smash Captain Arrives For Orks

By Wesley Floyd | November 8th, 2018 | Categories: Orks, Warhammer 40k News

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Der’es a new Kaptin’ in town Boyz! This super-deadly Ork Warboss is primed and ready to be the meta’s next Smash Captain. Let’s break everything down.

Orks just got their codex and players are still reading over everything trying to make the best list possible. With that being said, it looks like a new Smash Captain in on the block and he may be better than the OG Blood Angel!

Funny thing is, he’s not even in the Ork Codex!

Next 40k Meta Breaker: Smash Captain Arrives For Orks

ork smash captain Next 40k Meta Breaker: Smash Captain Arrives For Orks

Turns out with the release of the new Ork Trike there is no Warboss on bike entry in the Ork codex. However, there is this entry in their Index (pg.16) that fits the bill, and benefits currently from all the same rules as the codex, included (CLAN).

There’s a lot going on here so let’s start off with the basics.

  • First, you need a Goff Warboss so his close combat attacks will explode on a 6+ when he hits.
  • Then, give him Da Killa Klaw Gubbin that gives him 3 flat damage rerolling wounds.
  • Give him the Brutal but Kunnin’ warlord trait so he can reroll failed hits AND get an extra damage on the klaw (now 4 damage flat).

Seems like a good start but we aren’t done yet.

Weirdboy & Nob with Banner Sidekicks

weirdboy lore

Every good Kaptin’ needs some sidekicks. To maximize the value out of this unit, bring a Weirdboy and a Banner Nob. Why the Weirdboy?

ork psychic 1

Fists of Gork puts the Warboss now at SIX attacks at S14. You’d obviously have the banner to give him +1 to hit. (this is to counteract any possible -1 to hit in combat). -The banner is optional. You could totally switch him out with a Painboy if you’d like. Depends on what tickles yer’ fancy.

Regardless, the end result is an Ork Warboss with six attacks exploding on every 6+ to hit at S14, 4 damage flat per wound. the best part is that the Warboss is only 90 points. 

He isn’t as mobile or as tanky as the Blood Angel Smash Captain, but those aren’t necessarily bad things. Flying units got nerfed pretty hard so it’s not too big of a deal that he isn’t as mobile. A jump pack on a Warboss would be nice…but it wouldn’t make or break him.  in terms of tankiness, 9/10 times, players want their Captains to die so they can spend 2CP to fight again.

Did you know Orks can do the exact same thing?

Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka orks wal hor

  • Orks is Never Beaten: Use this stratagem when an Ork character dies, they may immediately shoot or fight before the model is removed.

Assuming you roll right, your 90 point Warboss will be getting AT LEAST twelve attacks doing 4 damage a pop in a single turn. The only trick will be getting the Warboss where you need him.

What do you think about the new Kaptin’?

Will you be trying this combo on the tabletop? How did it work? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.