Next New Primarch Model, DKoK & Old World Models RUMORS

Rumors Death korps of krieg warhammer 40k

Wild rumors are here, including new Primarchs for Horus Heresy, a huge plastic Cathay release, and even Death Korps of Krieg!

Whether you play 40k, Horus Heresy, or Old World, there is a little something for you here. But before we dive in, remember these are rumors, so take them with as much salt as you need! However, they are all pretty positive, so it can’t hurt to get a little bit excited.

RUMORS: New Plastic HH Primarchs, Cathay Release, & Krieg Range Refresh!

Let’s start with the Horus Heresy stuff and then move forward from there! Here are the latest rumors from Valrak.

Telemon Heavy DreadnoughtTo start, we saw a tease from GW about Adeptus Mechanicus in Horus Heresy, but there isn’t a ton of new info on that other than they will be getting some plastic kits.

Next up, Valrak heard from the whispers that there were going to be more plastic Adeptus Custodes coming to Horus Heresy! This makes sense, as they were obviously there, and there could be some cool dual-release kits for 40k and HH.

Just think if they did something like a plastic Telemon? This seems somewhat far off, as there aren’t a ton of details, but don’t be surprised about bigger rumors soon for Custodes in Horus Heresy. Now, onto the big stuff (literally)

angron wal hor world eaters warhammer 40k 1

This is a huge rumor, and it looks like we will be getting an Angron for Horus Heresy! Just like they do for all the Primarchs, there are ones for HH and 40k. We’ve seen a few of the older ones get reworked for the game, like Horus and Fulgrim, and supposedly, this model is already done.

Supposedly, Angron will also be in his daemonic form and may be larger than the 40k model. While we’re not sure about the release date, the model is supposedly done, but sometimes that can still be a year or two off (or more). Just think of the new Fulgrim model; it will most likely be similar in size to that!

Cathay Release Rumors

Cathay MapWe’ll take this one with a lot of salt. As GW recently stated, they are not coming to the game anytime soon. However, they did say they will eventually make it to the game. This one feels pretty far off, but we could always be wrong.

Anyway, according to rumors, all the art from Total War will be turned into units, including dragons, giants, hot air balloons, crossbowmen, spearmen, and more!

Luckily, we’ve seen plenty of concept art from GW about the new units! Again, we don’t really have much of a time frame for these, but supposedly, everything will be plastic and a giant release.

Cathay Artwork

Believe it or not, Grand Cathay has existed in the lore of the Warhammer world since its foundation, though with the action-focused mostly on the kingdoms and empires to the west of the World’s Edge Mountains, not much was ever revealed about it.

First up is Miao Ying, the Storm Dragon. Honestly, she is pretty awesome. Plus, with her taking two forms, we could have another Morathi-type mini to break out when it drops!

Cathay Artwork 2

The undisputed star of the cinematic trailer is Miao Ying, daughter of the Celestial Dragon Emperor, and one of the divine rulers and provincial commanders of Grand Cathay.

Who wouldn’t want a giant dragon leading their forces into battle?

Cathay Artwork 3

These monolithic constructs stand out in the cinematic trailer in more ways than one – they’re absolutely colossal for starters, yet seem able to move with surprising swiftness and grace for towering animated statues.

Can you see the tiny warrior that comes up to the Sentinel’s ankles? These look like they would be such fun painting challenges and would smash through the lines with ease on the tabletops!

Kongming Sky Lanterns and Sky-junks

Cathay Artwork 4

The Cathayans maintain fleets of aerial vessels comprising Kongming Sky Lanterns and larger Sky-junks to keep watch over their borders. In the trailer, a flight of these aircraft took to the skies to battle the airborne elements of their Tzeentchian foes.

Maybe they will give the Overlords a run for their money? Who knows? Either way, it would be cool to throw these on the battlefield and rule from above or rain them down on your enemies.

Death Korps of Kreig Rumors: Release Date Update

Death Korps of Krieg Range Refresh 3Now it’s looking like we won’t see new Death Korps of Krieg until Q1 of 2025. We’ve already seen Advent Engines teasers and heard huge rumors about new DKoK for years at this point

So, we think they are pretty much “confirmed ” to happen at some point. However, now, according to Valrak, it’s looking to be later than we expected. If you want to see all the previous rumors for the new Death Korps of Krieg, check them out here!

That’s all for now on the latest rumors in the Warhammer world. Remember to take these rumors with a grain of salt, but there’s no harm in getting excited about the possibility of new releases.

Whether you’re a fan of 40k, Horus Heresy, or Old World, there’s always something to look forward to in the world of Warhammer.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about all the rumors for the updated Cathay release, HH Primarchs, and Krieg? 

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