October’s New Death Guard & Shadespire Releases

Death Guard Wal Hor

New Teasers were just announced for Death Guard Marines plus more news on the release of Shadespire from Games Workshop. Checkout what’s coming out next!

Games Workshop has announced more additions to the Death Guard through their Warhammer Community site, as well as October releases for Shadespire. These new additions include multipart Plague Marines, Biologus Putrifier, and more unique models to flesh out Mortarion’s Legion.

The new 7 man Plague Marines kit adds more range to battlefield rolls with bubotic axes, plague knives, and the epic plaguespewer. These marines come in a seven man squad (for the honor of Nurgle) and can be brought up to ten-man count with the Easy to Builds and Plague Brethren. There are other ways to customize the squad, including building an icon bearer and champion.

However, the Plague Champion will have its own model, complete with a little nurgling assistant, to add much more character to the squads. With the amount of character that nurgling is showing, how could your armies not improve by having him in attendance? Really, we know who is truly in charge with that pose.

The Biologus Putrifier appears as well, joining the choice of Elites for the Death Guard. He increases blight grenades Strength and Damage by one when near by and adds the ability to deal mortal wounds with those grenades. Given the Blight Bombardment Stratagem that allows Death Guard units to throw a grenade in Overwatch for 1CP, that is a pretty epic ability.

For Shadespire, GW has announced pre-ordering will begin October 14th. The box set includes easy-to-build miniatures for two core warbands, quick-start rules, easy set up for playing straight from the box, two power decks, cards for customization, and an advanced rulebook to expand the gameplay. Pickup in store begins on October 21st. After the core set, two new army expansions will be available: Sepulchral Guard and Ironskull’s Boyz. These will be available for pre-order on October 28th and released on November 4th. Included in each set are the warband plus cards unique to each set.

There’s something in each expansion for every warband, with cards in each set that can be used by anyone – you’ll want to pick up both to make sure you have the most tactical options when building your deck. You’ll want to get practising and building your best deck as soon as possible – there are in-store organised play events coming in a few months time, giving you your chance to prove your mastery over the City of Mirrors in tense competitive skirmishes.

To check out more information about Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, including background to the game, the setting, and the known warbands, check out the new Shadespire website.