This Week’s New Releases & Pricing REVEALED

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Get ready for more Blood Bowl and another season of Death Zone. Come see whats on the way for this week’s new releases from Games Workshop!

Multiple industry retailers are reporting the following new release from Games Workshop:

Blood Bowl Scarcrag Snivellers (Goblin Team) $35

Blood Bowl Goblins

Blood Bowl Goblins $15


Death Zone: Season 2 $32


Jain-Zar: The Storm of Silence (HB) $27

Jain Zar STD

A Phoenix Lords novel

Jain Zar, the first of the Howling Banshees, travels to Craftworld Ulthwé to help avert disaster – but Eldrad Ulthran opposes her plans. What path will guide the eldar towards victory: the way of the seer, or the way of war?

It’s rare to see disagreement between Craftworld Eldar on the right way to proceed, and when one of those involved is the legenday Jain Zar, things are sure to get ugly… and entertaining.

Blood Bowl Goblins and Death Zone Season 2 coming our way. Be sure to check back in with us for the details and more pictures of what’s to come later this week.

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