40k Inquisition Sprues From Kill Team Ashes of Faith

kill-team-warhammer-40k-ashes-of-faithIn a bit of a surprise move, GW  revealed the 40k Kill Team Inquisitorial Agents sprues from the Ashes of Faith box ahead of the pre-order!

With the focus so heavily on 10th Edition rules, GW hasn’t really been previewing much else for Warhammer 40k lately. However that being said, let’s hope this recent focus on Imperial Agents also extends into 10th Edition, and who knows? Maybe we actually get a full Inquisition codex with all kinds of minis.

While these haven’t hit shelves quite yet, it’s nice to know what you’re buying before you lay down the cash. Let’s jump into the new sprues.

New 40k Inquisitorial Agents Kill Team Sprues From Ashes of Faith

These sprues and pics come from Warhammer Community.

Inquisitorial Agents Sprues


imperial Agents Sprues

As we know from the reveal, nearly half of the kill team can be composed of ‘borrowed’ Imperial troops, but the remaining operatives are brand new agents bristling with personality. Four of them can each be built as two entirely different characters, giving the kill team huge flexibility.

There’s no actual Inquisitor in the box – that’s you, the player – but you have a wave of more expendable underlings to send into combat on your behalf.

The Interrogator is your second-in-command who leads the team in the field. All Inquisitorial Agent kill teams need to be led by an Interrogator, but if you pick up a second set of agents, you can also also assemble one as an Enlightener – a blade-wielding maniac recruited specially for their ability to cripple their foes with the nick of a knife.

It’s always nice to get Inquisitorial models, as they are just so crazy, and in general, you can make them whatever you want!

Inquisitorial Agents Sprues 2


Inquisitorial Agents Sprues 3


Inquisitorial Agents Sprues 4

Perhaps the most distinctive are the agents drawn from the Astra Militarum, be they untrustworthy criminal scum serving a heinous sentence or hardy death world veterans prized for their prowess. Both are clad in a rough mix of armour plates and torn fabric, a far cry from the neatly tailored uniforms of their peers. 

All the new Inquisiton models in the new set are just so full of flavor, but how will the sprues look?

No matter how you build your kill team, you’ll have spare parts to really customise your operatives, and a bit of stylish Inquisitorial flavour never hurt anybody.

Here’s a closer look at the plastic:

Inquisitorial Agents Sprues 5There are a decent number of extra bits, with some different weapons, and plenty of little packs and such to go around.

Inquisitorial Agents Sprues 6Again, there are plenty of bits all over the place and tons of weapon options. While you will have the bodies basically built for you, with this many options, the rest of the build is up to you.

Inquisitorial Agents Sprues 7The servitor seems to have the most Weapon options, allowing you to blast through the enemy however you choose.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about the new Inquisitorial Agents sprues and weapon options? 

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