Nomads of The Wild: Conversion Corner

morathi serpent art

There are many types of worship that can be followed in order to summon the powerful favor of Chaos gods! Some means are more savage than others.

Come see one sweet mini brought to us by Carolus Kirchner of Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.


The Warriors of Slaanesh have a way to get things going faster, they just get to the front lines faster.


Carolus did such a good job of describing what he has done that I will just let him tell you about it himself.


For the Mercenary Company for my Daughters of Khaine, I’ll be adding the Bloody rose the Vampires but they will be Dead Hags Vampyric Witch Aelfs, blood bathers, and youth thieves the leader sofar for the squad I need the stuff to arrive.


“I hold my chalice to you!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!