Not All Blast Weapons Are Created Equal

By Rob Baer | February 9th, 2012 | Categories: Master Shake, Warhammer 40k News

Welcome to the segment here on Spikey Bits, where I go over some rules clarifications and “gotchas” for 5th Edition.

I realize that there may only be less than a year left for this rules set, but there is still tons of time for gaming!

Not to mention there are a  few big tournaments left to attend as well.  So let’s get to it shall we?

Today we have a guest post by Master Shake about the duplicity of blast weapons. He is very blunt and to the point with his posts (and in real life too for that matter), but none the less effective.

Take it away Shake…..

Most people I know play blast weapons incorrectly. Usually they just say I want to fire the missile at that unit using frag, and then they measure to find that the unit is just within range. So they place the template at the front of the unit. This is wrong.

Blast templates are placed prior to ANY measuring range.

You then measure, and if the center of the blast is outside the range of the weapon it is an automatic miss. (Editor’s note: while correct to deny shots because of improper shooting procedure, in friendly games it may be frowned upon. However someone wiping a huge Death Star squad in the open because they pre-measured, because that’s basically what it is, can be quite frustrating at the tournament level).

This also applies when using things like a Grey Knight heavy incinerator or a hellhound inferno cannon. You place the flame template, then measure to make sure the small end is within ’12.

Short and to the point. You can checkout Shakes blog, Grotzilla! where he rages about all sorts of things from badly painted armies to even the scourges of the internets. -MBG

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