Nova Open 2016 – Was it Worth It? War Council #35

By Caleb Dillon | September 22nd, 2016 | Categories: Editorials, Nova Open, Warhammer 40k News, WMG

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War Council is back from Nova Open 2016.  But was it worth the trip braving holiday traffic and hurricanes? Checkout our latest episode!



War Council™ is a presentation of White Metal Games™ and airs twice a month.  Unlike many gaming centered podcasts, our show focuses exclusively on HOBBY.  No mathhammer or GT/Meta game talk here.  We talk to industry professional about painting, sculpting, 3D printing and casting models, kit bashing, and more!  Caleb Dillon is the Owner of White Metal Games and Phillip Kohrman is the owner of Brushwork Minis.

We are full time miniature painters, making a living doing what we love, and we invite you to join us for a chat about miniatures!

Check out our most recent episode! You can also download us on Itunes!

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Episode 35 is Here

In this episode White Metal Games Caleb, Phillip and Val chat about our experiences at the Nova Open.  This is arguably the largest con for wargaming on the East Coast, and certainly the most notable.  While  there we speak with industry professionals like Dave Taylor of CMON and Dave Taylor Miniatures and get the skinny on Dark Age and Wrath of Kings; we interview Jessica Rich the Brush Mistress, among others.  We also chat with lots of players about their experiences at the event, vendors from the event, our favorite table and display at the event.

We also talk about our new Display Board projects, and the service set to launch later this year.  There were a ton of great boards at Nova and more than a few LEDS.  We chat about both and how to bring them both to bear for your GT players out there.

In addition we are still taking orders for our new Tandem Commission, Deathwatch vs Xenos.  With Genestealer Cult on the horizon, now is the perfect time to get in on this project.  It’s our longest episode in a while, with an hour of interviews, so settle in for a long one!


Next time on the show we’ll be interviewing Tyler Mengel of Mengel Miniatures and discussing competitive painting in general.

Is there something you’d like us or to ask our guests?  All questions and comments may be sent to

Be sure to Like us on Facebook!

And until next time, PUT YOUR MINIS WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS!!!

Caleb Dillon, White Metal Games