Warhammer: The Bell Tolls For Nurgle New GW Rumor Engine

Rumor Engine new GW header wal horGames Workshop’s latest rumor engine preview features an emblem on a mount that could be for a new Nurgle model!

Whatever the case, we can’t wait to see what Games Workshop has in store when it’s finally revealed. Let’s check out what it could be and try to guess until then! 

The Bell Tolls For Nurgle Games Workshop Rumor Engine

Here’s the latest Rumor Engine from Games Workshop. As usual, there are some interesting possibilities for what it could be! 

rumor engine 06-25-24

First, looking at this bit, we instantly notice that the light bell shape and the rivets look like the usual Nurgle marks. Then again, it could just be normal old rivets on an order mount! Who wouldn’t want new Griffin Knights or something?

Dawnbringers Maggotkin of Nurgle – Phlugoth’s Shudderhood

Even looking at the somewhat recent Maggotkin box from Dawnbringers, we can see a few mounts and models with similar rivets in that iconic triangle shape.

Still, though… who knows? Curve balls happen, and specialist games usually get some super unique models. We will have to wait and see!

Solve All the Latest GW Rumor Engines Here

Could these new GW Rumor Engines be a new Nurgle mini, or is it something else?