Nurgleness – Hobbying FOR Chaos, The Man Beard Way!

nurgles rot

The father of  plagues is coming! Checkout the first part of a 4000 point Chaos Space Marine army for Adepticon 2016!

I originally approached the boys at The Long War about having some of my armies put on their bat reps to spread the word about my new painting service (Man Beard Miniature Painting Service).

They countered my offer with one of their own, to paint four, 1,000 pt armies for their Adepticon Team event they’re putting on. Each 1,000 pt list being dedicated to their respective Chaos God, Nurgle, Khorne, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch.  Needless to say I was all over it before I even finished reading the email.

To start I went with the 1,000 pts of Nurgle, consisting of Typhus (Pappa Nurgle’s favored bad ass), 30 plague zombies, 3 Nurgle Obliterators, a Nurgle Land Raider, and a Nurgle Heldrake.


As I started this army, I envisioned a normal Land Raider being taken over by the corruption and rot that is Nurgle. When I started on the Land Raider with that in mind, I didn’t cover the whole vehicle with rot as most vehicles are that you see in a Nurgle Army. I used Greenstuff/Greystuff to create the rot effect, and some tentacles opening hatches to help spread the rot.

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When I went to paint I saw the Land Raider as being from a Death Wing army, as you see from the bone color of the vehicle. With that in mind is was just a matter applying the right weathering effects to that original coat to make it look like it’s still partially “normal” compared to the rot look being spread across the rest of the vehicle.

Nurgle Land Raider_12

If you like my work, keep an eye out for future articles on this army and the other three armies I’ll be doing leading up to Adepticon (Khorne, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch). Check me out on Facebook under Man Beard Miniature Painting Service for pics and updates on current works that I have on my table.

Man Beard Miniature Painting Service