October WD Preview – ‘Eavy Metal Masterclass Returns!

By Zeb Barrett | September 26th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors, White Dwarf

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A preview of October’s White Dwarf shows a painting tutorial from the world renowned ‘Eavy Metal team and we have the pics right here!

The ‘Eavy Metal team is known as some of the best miniature painters in the world and they have a painting tutorial coming in the next White Dwarf.

Source: White Dwarf (facebook)

We really enjoyed all your comments on things you’d like to see in White Dwarf. Not long to wait until October’s issue hits the shelves (you can pre-order it from Saturday, in fact), so we thought it was time for a quick preview. And it’s something an awful lot of you have been asking for…

white dwarf october preview 'eavy metal masterclass

Source: Games Workshop


So, October’s White Dwarf, the second issue of the relaunched monthly, is just around the corner, and it’s also the start of another new era – for the White Dwarf team this time, as long-time Editor Jes Bickham, who oversaw last month’s sterling first issue of the new monthly White Dwarf, has moved on to pastures new in the Design Studio.

…So, what is all that other cool stuff?


  • An interview with Jes Goodwin (another of those much-requested features we’re delighted to be able to bring you this month)
  • Simon Grant’s Space Wolves in Army of the Month
  • A huge Battle Report: part of our cover feature on the Genestealer Cults, we send in the Deathwatch.
  • Will of Iron: not only do we have an interview with the creative team behind Titan’s new series of Warhammer 40,000 comics, but we’ve also got an exclusive prologue, issue #0 free with the magazine!
  • Paint Splatter: a highlighting special, bringing you layering and edge highlighting, then putting it into action on the Blood Angels
  • Sprues and Glue: Genestealer Hybrids sneak their way into the Astra Militarum, and we show you how to model them up
  • Plus a host of regulars and much, much more. Check out our Facebook page for some previews coming up over the next week!

So, with October’s issue, as well as it being an absolutely cracking issue packed with highlights, we think you can really start to see the sheer range and depth of articles we’re going to be bringing you each issue. Of course, we’re always keen to hear what you think, so why not let us know what some of your favourites have been over these first two issues?

Enjoy the new issue!

More On the New 40k Comic

We had been hearing for awhile that something BIG would be coming in a future issue of White Dwarf, and now we know for sure.

October’s issue of the new monthly White Dwarf magazine lines up with the release of Titan Comic’s new 40k line.

Diamond Comics let the cat out of the bag at their San Diego Comic-Con lunch meeting for retailers back in July:

free comics white dwarf

Free 40k Comic #0!!!

Looks like the Grim Dark will be getting a while lot more visual next month for hobbyists everywhere!

More On the New 40k Comic

White Dwarf 12 Month Subscription: $90

white dwarf

White Dwarf is the ultimate Warhammer magazine. Released monthly each issue is a glossy 156-page, A4 magazine with all the news, features and pictorials you know and love – and a whole chunk of new stuff you never imagined. News! Golden Demon! Battle Reports! Painting Masterclasses! Designers’ Notes! Exclusive rules! And of course, gorgeous photographs of the best fantasy miniatures in the world.

RRP of a single issue of White Dwarf is £5.99, €8, 60dkk, 65nok, 70sek, 30zł, US$9, CA$12, AU$15, NZ$18, JP¥1400

Please note, product image is for illustrative purposes only. Not actual cover of September 2016 issue.

(We endeavour to get White Dwarf to all subscribers on or before publication date, but the world’s a big place and we cannot guarantee this.)

So painting faces seems to be the topic of the painting tutorial in the next White Dwarf. Make sure to get your subscription today to get October’s issue!