OCT’s Top 10 Forge World List: What’s Hot or Not?

dow3 chapter master gabriel angelos blood ravenOctober’s top ten sellers list from Forge World is here and you may be surprised by what made it to the top spots. Come take a look!
Source: Forge World



Gabriel Angelos, Master of the Blood Ravens chapter of Space Marines, guides his brothers against the most dangerous enemies in the Galaxy. Uncompromising and honorable, Gabriel has little patience for those who would hesitate in battle.

Making a fantastic centrepiece for a Blood Ravens collection, this depiction of Gabriel Angelos, modelled after his appearance in the video game Warhammer 40,000: Dawn Of War III, is an HQ choice for Blood Ravens armies. His armour is resplendent with detail, with greaves covered in studs and skulls, a detailed cloak and plenty of chains, chapter markings and iconography to keep the painter busy; his scarred head glowers at the foe from underneath a spiked iron halo. He wields the intimidatingly-named God-Splitter Daemonhammer, and stands atop a rubble-strewn 60mm scenic base – this depicts a blasted rocky outcrop, and features a shattered piece of Ork armour, no doubt victim of the aforementioned Daemonhammer.

The kit comes as 7 components, and is presented in a Character Series box – there is also included a 40mm round gaming base, which can be removed from the scenic base for ease of use on the gaming table. Rules for Gabriel Angelos in games of Warhammer 40,000 are available as a PDF download.




The ranged weapons of the Leviathan pattern Siege Dreadnought were designed to be used at closer range than those carried by most classes of dreadnought. The Leviathan Storm Cannon is a rapid firing multi-barrelled weapon, purpose built to scythe down infantry and clear out the defenders of tactical objectives

The Leviathan Storm Cannon is a multi-part resin kit that can be built as either the left or right weapon arm for the Leviathan pattern Siege Dreadnought.






There is a long, messy history of Blood Bowl teams sneaking weapons onto the pitch, but few do it with such regularity (not to mention unapologetic brazenness) as Goblins. With very few exceptions, Goblin teams tend to have ready access to a well-stocked arsenal of unusual equipment at their disposal, most of which is hilariously deadly. Some weapons (like the ball and chain) have their roots in wider Goblin culture, while others (such as the fan-favourite chainsaw) have long been a part of Blood Bowl tradition, no matter what the refs say. As for the bombs? Well, Goblins are nothing if not innovative, especially when it comes to thinking up outlandish ways to tip the odds in their favour…

Give yourself a sneaky fighting chance by adding these unsportsmanlike Secret Weapons to your Goblin team – 3 in total, 1 Bomma, 1 Looney and 1 Fanatic. Each wear quite a lot of armour, hoping to delay their inevitable smearing across the pitch. The Fanatic wields an evil-looking ball and chain, the Looney strides purposefully forward with a small yet perfectly formed chainsaw and the Bomma… well, he’s carrying a bomb larger than his head, emitting a plume of noxious smoke as the fuse edges dangerously close to something of a violent exothermic reaction. If you’re going to cheat, bombs are a pretty good way to do it!

These 3 resin miniatures come as 12 components, supplied with 3 32mm Blood Bowl bases. Their rules can be found in Death Zone Season 2.




The formiddable assault cannon allows the Razorback to lay down a withering hail of fire while deploying its cargo of Space Marines.

A multi part resin upgrade for the plastic Rhino. Rhino sold seperately.




An impressively obese Smashrip attends the tryouts for the Warpfire Wanderers, but is laughed out of the line-up. His chances aren’t improved when he eats the team’s assistant coach to prove a point, but news travels fast, and it isn’t long before the Skavenblight Scramblers scout him out and offer him a place on their roster. Eventually, after some unpleasantness including a lifetime ban for eating a referee (which was eventually overturned) he became a free agent, bombarded with offers…

Field the gloriously portly Glart Smashrip as a Star Player in your Skaven or Underworld Denizens Blood Bowl teams by picking up this resin kit. The first thing you’ll notice about Glart is his size – there’s no hiding that this is a Skaven of impressive girth, who barely fits into the ramshackle armour that has been attached to his bulk with creaking straps. He isn’t bothering with head protection as there aren’t any helmets that would fit and, honestly, they just get in the way of eating stuff. Luckily, someone has found a swathe of cloth large enough to hide most of his unmentionables, and he features the usual spiky bits on his shoulders and knee pads.

The resin kit comes as 8 components including a warp-stone ball, a 32mm round Blood Bowl base is also included. Glart’s rules can be found in Blood Bowl Death Zone Season Two!

Skaven player shown in some images is for scale purposes only.


Index Chaos


This book is designed to update the rules for Forge World’s current and recent ranges of models for use with the latest incarnation of the Warhammer 40,000 game. It provides rules for Forge World’s Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons, Chaos Titan Legions and Renegade Knight units, including ancient relics from the age of the Horus Heresy in the shape of the ‘Hellforged’ for your Heretic Astartes forces, as well as revisiting characters and monsters from Forge World’s Siege of Vraks campaign.

This book and its contents are fully compatible with Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Chaos, expand the datasheets which are found there and contain all the information you need to field your Forge World Chaos models in the new edition of the Warhammer 40,000 game. Also included are both Power Ratings and an appendix for their use in Battle-forged armies. You will need a copy of both the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Chaos to make full use of this book and its contents.

Contained in the 88-page softback:

– The Daemon Bound section includes 6 datasheets for using your daemon engine miniatures;

– The Hellforged section includes 18 datasheets for using your tank, artillery and drop pod miniatures;

– The Eyrine Cults section includes 7 datasheets for using your flyer miniatures;

– The Lords of Ruin section includes 5 datasheets for using your Chaos Lord miniatures;

– The Children of the Warp section includes 12 datasheets for using your daemon miniatures;

– 7 datasheets for using your Traitor Questoris miniatures;

– 3 datasheets for using your Chaos Titans miniatures.

Every model, weapon and piece of wargear has its own points value, and every weapon has a profile.

Please note – you will need a copy of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Chaos to make full use of this book and its contents.



This book is designed to update the rules for Forge World’s current and recent ranges of models for use with the latest incarnation of the Warhammer 40,000 game. It provides rules for Forge World’s Space Marine, Grey Knight, Inquisition and Sisters of Battle units, including ancient relics from the age of the Horus Heresy for your Adeptus Astartes forces, as well as revisiting characters from Forge World’s Badab Wars campaign.

This book and its contents are fully compatible with Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Imperium 1 and Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Imperium 2, expanding on the range of Datasheets to be found there and contain all the information you need to field your Forge World models in the new edition of the Warhammer 40,000 game. Also included are both Power ratings and an appendix for their use in Battle-forged armies.

Contained in the 80-page softback:

– The Battle Armour section includes 10 datasheets for using your tank miniatures;

– The Heavy Armour section includes 6 datasheets for using your heavy, super-heavy and assault tank miniatures;

– The Dreadnoughts section includes 7 datasheets for using your Dreadnought miniatures;

– The Strike Craft section includes 10 datasheets for using your flyer miniatures;

– The Battlefield Support includes 9 datasheets for using your artillery, drop pods and stronghold miniatures;

– 6 datasheets for using your War Machines of the Grey Knights, The Inquisition & Adepta Sororitas miniatures;

– 26 datasheets for using your Imperial Armour Character miniatures.

Every model, weapon and piece of wargear has its own points value, and every weapon has a profile.

Please note – you will need a copy of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Imperium 1 and Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Imperium 2 to make full use of this book and its contents.




This book is designed to update the rules for Forge World’s current and recent ranges of models for use with the latest incarnation of the Warhammer 40,000 game. It provides rules for Forge World’s Eldar (Aeldari), Dark Eldar (Drukhari), T’au Empire, Necron, Orks and Tyranids miniatures.

This book and its contents are fully compatible with Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Imperium 2, expanding the datasheets which are found there and contain all the information you need to field your Forge World models from the Eldar/Aeldari,Dark Eldar/Drukhari, T’au Empire, Necron, Orks and Tyranids factions in the new edition of the Warhammer 40,000 game. Also included are both Power Ratings and an appendix for their use in Battle-forged armies.

Contained in the 96-page softback:

– 18 datasheets for using your Eldar/Aeldari miniatures;

– 2 datasheets for using your Dark Eldar/Drukhari miniatures;

– 23 datasheets for using your T’au Empire miniatures;

– 11 datasheets for using your Necron miniatures;

– 13 datasheets for using your Ork miniatures;

– 8 datasheets for using your Tyranids miniatures.

Every model, weapon and piece of wargear has its own points value, and every weapon has a profile.

Please note – you will need a copy of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Xenos 1 and Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Xenos 2 to make full use of this book and its contents.





This book is designed to update the rules for Forge World’s current and recent ranges of models for use with the latest incarnation of the Warhammer 40,000 game. It provides rules for Forge World’s Astra Militarum, Death Korps of Krieg, Elysian Drop Troops, Imperial Knights/Questor Imperialis and Titan Legions, as well as the malevolent traitors of the Renegades and Heretics army.

This book and its contents are fully compatible with Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Imperium 2, expanding the datasheets which are found there and contain all the information you need to field your Forge World models from the Astra Militarum, Death Korps of Krieg, Elysian Drop Troops, Imperial Knights/Questor Imperialis, Titan Legions and Renegade and Heretics factions in the new edition of the Warhammer 40,000 game. Also included are both Power Ratings and an appendix for their use in Battle-forged armies.

Contained in the 128-page softback:

– 59 datasheets for using your Astra Militarum miniatures;.

– 16 datasheets for using your Death Korps of Krieg miniatures;.

– 11 datasheets for using your Elysians miniatures;

– 14 datasheets for using your Renegades & Heretics miniatures;

– 7 datasheets for using your Imperial Knights/Knight Questoris miniatures;

– 3 datasheets for using your Titans.

Every model, weapon and piece of wargear has its own points value, and every weapon has a profile.

Please note – you will need a copy of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Imperium 1 and Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Imperium 2 to make full use of this book and its contents. And if you plan on using your renegades and heretics datasheets you will also need a copy of Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Chaos

There you have if everyone, the Imperial Armour indexes swept the top four slots. Were you shocked?  Did something miss the list that you feel should’ve made it? Let us know in the comments below.

Pro Tip: Stay Stealth!

khorne cultist

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