Omega Legion Bits From Kromlech Have Arrived!

Omega Legion featureNew Omega Legion Bits from Kromlech have arrived on shelves and make for the perfect Primaris alternatives- check it out!

Kromlech is always putting out some of the coolest alternative minis and bits on the market! They are definitely worth looking into if you haven’t checked them out before. This time though, we’ll be focusing on some of their new bits that work perfectly with a certain Space Marine faction. 

These just came out and are super dope; however, if you are more into Blood Angels, you should check out their Seraphim Knights here! They have tons of bits that are perfect for 40k, so even if these aren’t up your alley, they probably have something else you would love. For now, though, let’s get into the new bits! 

Omega Legion Helmet Heads: $10.43

Omega LegionThese are just super cool and cheaper alternatives to get these heads! If you love what Kromlech is up to, check out everything else they have been releasing here as well!

Omega Legion 2

The most famous of all Legionary chapters. Due to a tactical mastery of Omega Legion command, they are able to respond to every threat across the galaxy with unmatchable speed and efficiency. Their armors are like uniforms, always the best quality, cleaned and polished, shining with the brightest light,
This set contains 10 Omega Legion Helmet Heads – two of each unique pattern. Designed to fit 28mm scale miniatures. Cast from the highest quality resin.

Omega Legion Prime Bodies: $17.39

Omega Legion 3You can obviously go to town and build entire minis from the bits, like with the bodies above and they will look great, but it might just get a little expensive.

Omega Legion 4

This set contains 5 Prime Omega Legion Bodies – each one a unique pattern. Designed to fit 28mm scale miniatures. Cast from the highest quality resin.

Shoulder Pads: $10.43

Omega Legion 5

This set contains 10 Omega Legion Shoulder Pads – two of each unique pattern. Designed to fit 28mm scale miniatures. Cast from the highest quality resin.

Legion Backpacks: $10.43

Omega Legion 6

This set contains 5 Omega Legion Backpacks – each one a unique pattern. Designed to fit 28mm scale miniatures. Cast from the highest quality resin.

Thunder Shields: $10.43

Omega Legion 7

This set contains 3 Omega Legionary Thunder Shields – each one a different pattern, with left arms included. Designed to fit 28mm scale miniatures. Cast from highest quality resin.

That does it for this one, now go get some awesome bits!

Click Here To Grab Your Alternative Space Marines Bits!