OOP 40k Kits Returning As Kill Team Exclusives

By Wesley Floyd | September 13th, 2018 | Categories: 40k Kill Team, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

tempestus 1 guard astra hor war

Kill Team Open is coming to Nottingham later in September, and they are re-releasing some old 40k kits for Kill Team as new Exclusives for the event.

Warhammer World just posted about their Kill Team Open event, coming September 22nd. You’ll be able to play games, paint, test out the Kill Teams, and pick up old models! Let’s break down the event.

Warhammer World Events

kill team rogue trader

Those at the event will be able to playtest a whole slew of Kill Teams. On top of that, they’ll be able to meet the GW team face to face.

Painting and model-building will be a big part of the event also. Duncan and Peachy are going to be walking around giving tips on how to improve your hobby.

If you were wanting to create some new terrain, they’ll be teaching how to splice buildings from Mechanicus and Imperialis together as well.

Old Kill Teams Return

13th legion

Old Kill Teams from back in the day will be available for pick up at the event. With the new rise of Kill Team, it looks like GW brought some legendary squads back one more time. Who knows if they’ll have their own rules, or just be used as a super-unique Gaurd Kill Team.

Schaeffer’s Last Chancers

schaeffers last chancers

13th legion book

Gav Thorpe’s books on Schaeffer’s Last Chancers will be available at the event. Be on the lookout for 13th Legion, Kill Team, and Annihilation. 

Gaunt’s Ghosts

gaunts ghosts

Will you be making it to Warhammer World’s Kill Team event? If you want those Kill Teams but can’t go, check eBay or other trading sites. Some lucky people that could get their hands on them might be willing to part with them.

Can you think of any more old kits that could get their own Kill Teams rules? What is your favorite Kill Team so far? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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