Oozing Piles of Gross: Conversion Corner

Nurgle Conversion

There are many different types of daemons that worship Nurgle. But most of them look like oozing piles of gross!

Check out one sick model brought to us by Alex Shaughnessy on Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

Nurgle Conversion

Alex did such a good job describing his creature I’ll just let him tell you about it.

The Snufflepugulus is an extremely meek and timid creature that roams the lands of Eegreb’s realm, eager to approach all travelers and beings through the swamps and Forests that surround his temples.

Nurgle Conversion

While extremely affectionate creatures, their defense mechanism is one of the deadliest in the entire galaxy. Their worm-like bodies are swelled with incredibly potent toxins and diseases of all kinds and when threatened they retreat into their shells and bellow these poisons out of the many vents upon their backs.

Nurgle Conversion

Scavengers by nature, their claws and extremely long mouths are made for hunting smaller Snufflepugulus and tearing open the armor plating of fallen enemy soldiers, cracking open the protection so that they can consume the flesh inside.

Nurgle Conversion

“Look at that thing, would ya!”

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