Orc Casualties Basing Kits From Kromlech Add So Much Style!

Orc Casualties Basing Kits featureOrktober is still here, but it’s not all roses for the Greenskins, and the Orc Casualties Basing Kits from Kromlech show that off!

Kromlech is always putting out some of the coolest alternative minis, terrain, and bits on the market! If you haven’t checked them out before, they are definitely worth looking into. This time, though, we’ll focus on a new release that you can pop onto the top of your bases (or dioramas) and have way cooler-looking minis! 

The nice thing about these is that no matter the size or style of your base, these will probably work quite well. Like everything they make, these are high-quality, durable, and affordable.


Orc Casualties Basing Kits

The life of an Orc (or a Goblin) is exciting most of the time. These Greenskin brutes are in some way like human children – they’re fascinated by every shining or sparkling thing. Unfortunately, that kind of fascination sometimes may bring rather deadly effects. Those effects are visible on many battlefields across the galaxy.

Orc Casualties Basing Kits 2

The product design fits 28 mm scale wargames. This set is supplied unpainted. Cast from the highest quality resin. Our products are intended for experienced modelers and may require trimming, bending, and fitting. We recommend washing all resin parts before assembly (tap water with mild detergent) and using Kromlech Superglue or other cyanoacrylate adhesives. 


Orc Casualties Basing Kits 3

This set contains five pieces of Large Orc Casualties terrain made from high-quality resin – each of a unique pattern.

The product design fits 28 mm scale wargames. This set is supplied unpainted. Cast from the highest quality resin. Our products are intended for experienced modelers and may require trimming, bending, and fitting. We recommend washing all resin parts before assembly (tap water with mild detergent) and using Kromlech Superglue or other cyanoacrylate adhesives.

Orc Casualties Basing Kits 4If you love what Kromlech is up to, check out what else they have been releasing here. That does it for this one; now, get some new base kits!

Click Here to Get Your New Basing Kits!