Cool New Orc Dread Preview From Artel W!

orc dread preview feature rThis Orc Dread Preview from Artel W is really amazing and we can’t wait until this mini hits the shelves- check it out!

The hobby maniacs at Artel W are not stopping on their quest to make some of the coolest minis out there! Of course, they couldn’t leave us without some awesome previews with the new year right around the corner.

They have a bunch of new concepts coming soon and we can’t wait to grab up the coming models. They are showing love to Orcs because who doesn’t want more big green guys? Also, this set of minis is something that a bigger company hasn’t shown love to in a while, so this is great to see!

Orc Dread Preview From Artel W!

orc dread previewThis is just such a cool concept and as with all their Orc stuff, it just really captures the feel of the faction. Since Artel W has so many incredible minis, why not go check out what else they have going on?

orc dread preview 1It looks like they will have a bunch of options, styles, and bits! So that means more fun for you! If you can’t wait for this to come out, check out another of their Orcy release that you can pick up now.

Da Ork Boyz Band: $40.49

Ork Boyz band 6What song do you think they are playing? Whatever it is, we’re sure it’s heavy and fast, you don’t think Orks listen to slaw jams do you?

Ork Boyz band 8


Ork Boyz band 7Let’s hear from them about everything you get in the new set:

  • Scale: 28mm
  • The kit contains 5 miniatures, 54 parts (including 3 options for Frontorc`s right hand and optional saw for Lash`s guitar)
  • Material: high-quality resin.
  • Miniatures are unpainted, unassembled, 32mm and 40mm bases included

Ork Boyz band 2What’s cooler than an Ork playing a flamer/keyboard combo? Not too much if we’re being honest.

Ork Boyz band 3A bass and a rocket? Sign us up for this concert!

Ork Boyz band 4It doesn’t get more hardcore than a Slash Ork on a chainsaw guitar!

Ork Boyz band 5It looks like they may have a Spinal Tap situation on their hands here because using grenades for drumsticks can only keep this guy around for so long.

That does it for this one. Just something super fun to add to your army!

Click Here To Grab Artel W Orc Miniatures!